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2013-04-01 13:09




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE阅读 】

  2. Which of the following is an acceptable sequence of dogs in the first four time slots?

  First  Second  Third  Fourth

  (A) Frieda Pal Toppy Laddie

  (B) Laddie Spot Toppy Pal

  (C) Max Frieda Pal Spot

  (D) Pal Frieda Laddie King

  (E) Toppy Max Pal Laddie

  3.Any of the following can be the sixth dog judged EXCEPT

  (A) Frieda

  (B) Laddie

  (C) Max

  (D) Pal

  (E) Spot

  4. If Pal is the first, Laddie the third, and Fried --------fifth dog judged, which of the following must be true?

  (A) The remaining dogs can be acceptably scheduled in either of exactly two ways

  (B) The remaining dogs can be acceptably scheduled in only one way.

  (C) Max is judged immediately before King

  (D) Spot is judged immediately before Laddie

  (E) Toppy is judged immediately before Frieda.

  5.If the first three dogs judged are Max, Pal, and Frieda, respectively, which of the following must be true?

  (A) King is the sixth dog judged.

  (B) Laddie is the fourth dog judged.

  (C) Spot is the fifth dog judged.

  (D) Toppy is the fifth dog judged.

  (E) Toppy is the sixth dog judged.

  想了解更多GRE阅读网的资讯,请访问: GRE阅读
