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2012-01-15 12:14




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

55 miles per hour to 45 on all major county roads. But the 55 mph limit should be restored,
because this safety effort has failed. Most drivers are exceeding the new speed limit and the
accident rate throughout Prunty County has decreased only slightly. If we want to improve the
safety of our roads, we should instead undertake the same kind of road improvement project
that Butler County completed five years ago: increasing lane widths and resurfacing rough
roads. Today, major Butler County roads still have a 55 mph speed limit, yet there were 25
percent fewer reported accidents in Butler County this past year than there were five years
This editorial argues that a recent reduction in Prunty County's speed limit on its major roads,
from 55 to 45 miles per hour (mph), has proven ineffective, and that the county should
therefore restore its 55-mph speed limit and improve its roads. To support this argument the
editorial's author points out that the accident rate has decreased only "slightly" since the speed
limit was reduced. The author also points out that in nearby Butler County, which has
maintained a 55-mph limit while widening and resurfacing its roads, the accident rate has
decreased by 25% over the last 5 years. The editorial suffers from several problems, which
render it unconvincing as it stands.
First of all, Prunty only "recently" reduced its speed limit, and only for "major" roads. Perhaps
not enough time has passed to determine the effectiveness of this change in reducing the
accident rate--especially if the new speed limit remains untested during a season of the year in
which better driving conditions prevail. Additionally, the editorial refers only to the overall
accident rate countywide. Perhaps the accident rate on the county's major roads has
decreased while on minor roads not subject to the speed-limit reduction it has increased. Thus
lacking reliable evidence of the effectiveness of the new speed limit it is difficult to accept the
conclusion that Pmnty's safety effort has failed.
Secondly, the argument assumes that all other factors affecting highway accident rates have
remained unchanged since the county lowered its speed limit. Yet the author fails to provide
evidence to support this assumption. It is entirely possible that the lower speed limit does in
fact serve to reduce the accident rate, while some other factor, such as unseasonably poor
weather, reduced law enforcement measures, or even an influx of teenage drivers to the area,
has served to increase the accident rate. Without considering and ruling out these and other
factors that might have served to increase the accident rate since the speed limit was lowered,
the author cannot justifiably conclude that this safety effort has failed.
Thirdly, the author unfairly implies that the higher speed limit in Butler County has not served
to increase the incidence of road accidents in that county. It is entirely possible that the 55-mph
speed limit actually serves to increase the accident rate on Butler's high ways, but that others
factors, such as stricter law enforcement measures or improved driver education, have served
to decrease the accident rate to a greater extent. Without considering and ruling out these and
other factors which might have served to decrease the accident rate in Butler County, the
author cannot confidently recommend that Prunty County emulate Butler's speed-limit policy. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(97) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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