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2012-01-15 16:36




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

In sum, the manager's evidence accomplishes little toward supporting the manager's
argument for the proposed format shift. To further bolster the argument the manager must
provide better evidence, perhaps by way of a reliable survey, that people within KNOW's
listening area are becoming more interested in news and less interested in R&R music--or any
other kind of music. The manager must also show that an all-news format would be more
popular than a mixed format of music and news, and that a significant number of people would
prefer KNOW's all-news programming over that of other stations in the listening area.
Argument No. 119 Solano's music education programs
This letter concludes that Solano school district should discontinue its music programs
altogether. To justify this conclusion the author points out that only 20% of Solano's students
enroll in music classes and that few Solano students pursue music as a major course of study
in college. The author also points out that in nearby Rutherford student grades increased the
year after that district discontinued music education. This argument is problematic in several
critical respects.
A threshold problem with the argument is that it relies on certain implicit assumptions about
the value of music education. Specifically, the author assumes that any education program is
valuable only to the extent that it enhances overall grades and only if students choose to
pursue that course of study in college. Such normative assumptions are dubious at best;
common sense tells me that the chiefvalue of music education, like that of art or physical
education, lies in its contribution to the full development of a child, not in its influence on
grades or choice of career. Without addressing this issue, the author's condusion can be
dismissed out of hand.
Another problem with the argument involves the implicit claim that only 20% of Solano
students enroll in music courses because they are uninterested in music. This da/m assumes
that students have a choice in what courses they take in the first place; yet we are not informed
that this is the case. It also unfairly assumes that no other factor influences students' decisions
about whether to enroll in music courses. Perhaps Solano's current music teachers are
unpopular; or perhaps the district lacks sufficient funds to meet current demand for music
courses or to provide adequate facilities and instruments for more students. Since the author
has not ruled out these other possible explanations for the low enrollment rate, the author's
implicit claim that Solano students are not interested in music is doubtful at best.
Yet another problem with the argument involves the implicit claim that music education is not
worthwhile because few Solano students pursue music as a college major. This claim
assumes that all Solano students pursuing a career in music attend college in the first place;
yet this is not necessarily the case. The claim also assumes that Solano students are properly
advised about choosing their college major; yet it is entirely possible that Solano's high school
advisors dissuade students from pursuing music. Since the author fails to rule out these
possibilities, the fact that few Solano students pursue music in college lends little credible
support for the author's conclusion. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(150) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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