opportunity, and even precipitate the development of a "master race." Besides, since neither
free will nor determinism has been proven to be the correct position, the former is to be
preferred by any humanist and in any democratic society.
In sum, without the notion of individual responsibility a civilized, democratic society would
soon devolve into an anarchist state, vulnerable to despotic rule. Yet, this notion is more than a
mere fiction. The idea that our actions spring primarily from our free will accords with common
sense and everyday experience. I concede that science might eventually vindicate the speaker
and show that our actions are largely determined by forces beyond our conscious control. Until
that time, however, I'll trust my intuition that we humans should be, and in fact are, responsible
for our own choices and actions.
Issue 33
"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's
field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to
become truly educated."
I fundamentally agree with the proposition that students must take courses outside their
major field of study to become "truly educated." A contrary position would reflect a too narrow
view of higher education and its proper objectives. Nevertheless, I would caution that
extending the proposition too far might risk undermining those objectives.
The primary reason why I agree with the proposition is that "me" education amounts to far
more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one's major course of study and in
one's professional career. True education also facilitates an understanding of one- self, and
tolerance and respect for the viewpoints of others. Courses in psychology, sociology, and
anthropology all serve these ends. "True" education also provides insight and perspective
regarding one's place in society and in the physical and metaphysical worlds. Courses in
political science, philosophy, theology, and even sciences such as astronomy and physics can
help a student gain this insight and perspective. Finally, no student can be truly educated
without having gained an aesthetic appreciation of the world around us--through course work
in literature, the fine arts, and the performing arts.
Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of one academic area to permit a
student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life. Yet, mastery of any specific area
requires some knowledge about a variety of others. For example, a political-science student
can fully understand that field only by understanding the various psychological, sociological,and historical forces that shape political ideology. An anthropologist cannot excel without
understanding the social and political events that shape cultures, and without some knowledge
of chemistry and geology for performing field work. Even computer engineering is intrinsically
tied to other fields, even non-technical ones such as business, communications, and media.
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