The argument also overlooks many other possible explanations for the comparatively low
incidence of hip fractures among this group of women. For example, perhaps these women
were more physically fit than average to begin with. Or perhaps the nursing homes where the
group resided provided special safeguards against accidental injuries that are not ordinarily
available for most elderly people. Or perhaps French people are less susceptible to bone loss
than other people are--due perhaps to cultural dietary habits or genetic predisposition. For that
matter, perhaps women are genetically less disposed to lose bone mass than men are. Any of
these scenarios, if true, would undermine the conclusion that the lower incidence of hip
fractures was attributable to the additional vitamin D and calcium.
Finally, even ifwe accept that taking twice the recommended dosages of vitamin D and
calcium significantly reduces the risk of bone fractures for older people, the argument ignores
the possibility that some other dosage--perhaps three times the recommended dosage--would
reduce the risk of bone fractures even more. Without ruling out this possibility, the argument's
proponent cannot justifiably conclude that twice the recommended dosage provides the
optimal reduction of risk.
In sum, this is a weak argument. To strengthen it, the argument's proponent must consider
and eliminate all other possible explanations for the comparatively low incidence of hip
fractures among this group of women. The proponent must also provide evidence that this
group of women are representative of older people generally in ways that might affect the
incidence of hip fractures---aside from their vitamin D and calcium intake. To better assess the
argument, I would need more information about other means of preventing bone loss in older
adults, and whether such other means are more or less effective than taking twice the
recommended dosage of vitamin D and calcium.
Argument 57
The following appeared in a letter from a department chairperson to the president of Pierce
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