Education also helps us see our own culture through different eyes. As cultural neophytes
we participate unwittingly in our culture's own customs, rituals, and ceremonies--because we
see them as somehow sacrosanct. A student of sociology or cultural anthropology comes to
see those same customs, rituals, and ceremonies as tools which serve our psychological need
to belong to a distinct social group, and to reinforce that sense of belonging by honoring the
group's traditions. And, by reading the literary works of writers from bygone eras, a literature
student comes to see his or her own culture as a potential treasure trove of fodder for the
creative literary mind. For example, by studying Twain's works a student learns that Twain saw
19th-Century life along the Mississippi not as a mundane existence but as a framework for the
quintessential adventure story, and that we can similarly transform the way we see our own
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