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2012-01-19 08:28




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

In conclusion, the argument unfairly assumes that correlation is tantamount to causation. To
strengthen the argument, the author must provide dear evidence that a high-iron diet
contributes to heart disease. The author must also provide dear evidence that people who eat
red meat are more likely to incur heart disease because of the amount of red meat in their diet,
rather than some other factor. To better evaluate the reliability of the study upon which the
author's conclusion depends, I would need more information about the size and makeup of the
study's sample. I would also need to know whether other foods are also high in iron and, if so,
which high-iron foods the study's participants ate on a regular basis.
Argument 31
"Your recent article on corporate downsizing* in the United States is misleading. The article
gives the mistaken impression that many competent workers who lost jobs as a result of
downsizing face serious economic hardship, often for years, before finding other suitable
employment. But this impression is contradicted by a recent report on the United States
economy, which found that since 1992 far more jobs have been created than have been
eliminated. The report also demonstrates that many of those who lost their jobs have found
new employment. Two-thirds of the newly created jobs have been in industries that tend to pay
above-average wages, and the vast majority of these jobs are full-time."
*Downsizing is the process in which corporations deliberately reduce the number of their
This editorial disagrees with a certain article's claim that as a result of widespread corporate
downsizing many able workers have faced serious long-term economic hardship--due to their
inability to find other suitable employment. To justify its disagreement with this daim the
editorial cites the following three findings of a recent report: (1) There has been a net increase
in the number of new jobs created since 1992, (2) many workers who lost their jobs have found
other work, and (3) most newly created jobs are full-time positions in industries which tend to
pay above-average wages. Careful scrutiny of these findings, however, reveals that they
accomplish little toward refuting the article's claim.
Regarding the fu:st finding, the editorial overlooks the possibility that most of the newly
created jobs since 1992 are not suitable for job-seekers downsized by corporations. Perhaps
the vast majority of these jobs involve food serving, clerical assistance, deanmg and
maintenance, and other tasks requiring a low level of skill and experience. At the same 6me,
perhaps most downsized job-seekers are highly educated middle-managers looking for the
same type of work elsewhere. In short, lacking evidence that the newly created jobs match the
skills, experience, and interests of the downsized corporate employees, the editorial's author
cannot convincingly refute the article's claim. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(105) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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