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2012-01-19 12:40




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

As for the author's claim that the use of robots would decrease absenteeism, although
robots clearly do not get sick, in all likelihood factory robots would break down from time to
time which is tantamount to absenteeism. Without accounting for this likelihood the author
cannot rely on this claim to condude that the use of robots would improve overall factory
efficiency. Also questionable is the author's claim that the use of robots would increase factory
output because robots do not make errors. Unless the author can provide clear evidence that
human errors result in a lower rate of factory output, and not just a lower quality of product, I
cannot be convinced that using robots would in fact increase the rate of output.
Two final problems involve the author's claim that using robots would improve the morale of
factory workers, thereby improving factory effidency. First, the author provides no assurances
that if factory workers are reassigned to other types of jobs their morale would improve as a
result. Although the new jobs might be less boring, these jobs might pose other problems
which would adversely affect worker morale. Secondly, even if the morale of the workers
improves as a result of reassignment, overall factory efficiency will not necessarily improve as
a result. These workers might be ill-suited for their new jobs and thus be extremely ineffective
in them.
In sum, the editorial relies on a potentially weak analogy as well as on a series of
unwarranted claims. To strengthen the argument that the use of robots would improve factory
efficiency, the editorial's author must at the very least provide clear evidence that factory
robots would perform the same types of tasks, and just as well, as the tasks robots have
performed in space missions. To better assess the strength of each of the author's three
unwarranted claims, respectively, I would need to know: (1) the expected downtime i.e.,
absenteeism--for factory robots: (2) the extent to which human error decreases the rate of
factory output; and (3) the extent to which human factory workers would be happy and
effective in the new jobs to which they would be assigned.
Argument 97
The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of
Waymarsh University. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(140) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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