


字典 |

2012-01-26 19:51




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

First of all, the 15% decline that the author cites is not necessarily due to the vocational
preferences of new law-school graduates. It is entirely possible that the number of new
graduates preferring to work for large firms has not declined, but that during the last three
years MegalopoLis' large firms have had fewer and fewer job openings for these graduates.
Since the article fails to account for this alternative explanation for the 15% decline, the
article's author cannot make any sound recommendations to law faa-ns based on that decline.
As for the survey that the article cites, the vocational goals of first-year law students do not
necessarily reflect those of graduating students; after all, a law student's vocational goals can
change over a three-year period. Moreover, the goals of students at one law school do not
necessarily reflect those of the overall pool of graduates that might seek employment with
Megalopolis law firms. In fact, given that the school whose students participated in the survey
was a "leading" school, it is entirely possible that the vast majority of the school's graduates
may choose among offers from many large firms in many cities. If so, this fact would further
undermine the survey's relevance in prescribing any course of action for Megalopolis' law
Finally, the author falsely equates the proposed tangible incentives with job satisfaction,
which is an intangible reward based on the nature of one's work. Moreover, enhanced job
benefits can be tantamount to an enhanced salary, and shorter working hours amount to a
higher hourly wage. Thus if new law-school graduates seeking jobs in MegalopoLis are less
interested in monetary rewards than in job satisfaction, then the proposed incentives are not
likely to entice these graduates. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(89) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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