we are driven by self-interest.
I agree with the statement also in that certain kinds of intellectual struggles-- to deter mine
the meaning of life, whether God exists, and so forth are timeless ones whose complexities
and mystery know no chronological bounds whatsoever. The fact that we rely on ancient
teachings to try to solve these problems underscores the fact that these problems have not
grown any more complex over the course of human history. And, with respect to all the
timeless problems mentioned above I agree that knowledge and experience hdp us to
understand that these problems are not more complex today than before. In the final analysis,
by studying history, human psychology, theology, and philosophy we come to realize that,
aside from certain uniquely contemporary problems, we face the same fundamental problems
as our predecessors because we face the same human condition as our predecessors
whenever we look in the mirror.
Issue 117
"The best way to teach---whether as an educator, employer, or parent---is to praise positive
actions and ignore negative ones."
The speaker suggests that the most effective way to teach others is to praise positive
actions while ignoring negative ones. In my view, this statement is too extreme. It overlooks
circumstances under which praise might be inappropriate, as well as ignoring the beneficial
value of constructive criticism, and sometimes even punishment.
The recommendation that parents, teachers, and employers praise positive actions is
generally good advice. For young children positive reinforcement is critical in the development
of healthy self-esteem and self-confidence. For students appropriate positive feedback serves
as a motivating force, which spurs them on to greater academic achievement. For employees,
appropriately administered praise enhances productivity and employee loyalty, and makes for
a more congenial and pleasant work environment overall.
While recommending praise for positive actions is fundamentally sound advice, this advice
should carry with it certain caveats. First, some employees and older students might fred
excessive praise to be patronizing or paternalistic. Secondly, some individuals need and
respond more appropriately to praise than others; those administering the praise should be
sensitive to the individual's need for positive reinforcement in the fzrst place. Thirdly, praise
should be administered fairly and evenhandedly. By issuing more praise to one student than to
others, a teacher might cause one recipient to be labeled by classmates as teacher's pet, even
if the praise is well deserved or badly needed. If the result is to alienate other students, then
the praise might not be justified. Similarly, at the workplace a supervisor must be careful to
issue praise fairly and evenhandedly, or risk accusations of undue favoritism, or even
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