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2012-01-27 03:18




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

of those whose jobs depend on the continued profitable operation of a factory. Conversely, the
latter might stand to learn much about the potential public health price to be paid by ensuring
job growth and a low unemployment rate. Finally, at the global level, two nations with opposing
political or economic interests can reach mutually beneficial agreements by striving to
understand the other's legitimate concerns for its national security, its political sovereignty, the
stability of its economy and currency, and so forth.
In sum, unless two opponents in a debate are each willing to play on the same field and by
the same rules, I concede that disagreement can impede learning. Otherwise, reasoned
discourse and debate between people with opposing viewpoints is the very foundation upon
which human knowledge advances. Accordingly, on balance the speaker is fundamentally
Issue 2
"No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and
experience to that field of study."
I strongly agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise
from various fields. The world around us presents a seamless web of physical and
anthropogenic forces, which interact in ways that can be understood only in the context of a
variety of disciplines. Two examples that aptly illustrate this point involve the fields of cultural
anthropology and astronomy.
Consider how a cultural anthropologist's knowledge about an ancient civilization is
enhanced not only by the expertise of the archeologist--who unearths the evidence--but
ultimately by the expertise of biochemists, geologists, linguists, and even astronomers. By
analyzing the hair, nails, blood and bones of mummified bodies, biochemists and forensic
scientists can determine the life expectancy, general well-being, and common causes of death
of the population. These experts can also ensure the proper preservation of evidence found at
the archeological site. A geologist can help identify the source and age of the materials used
for tools, weapons, and structures--thereby enabling the anthropologist to extrapolate about
the civilization's economy, trades and work habits, life styles, extent of travel and mobility, and
so forth. Linguists are needed to interpret hieroglyphics and extrapolate from found fragments 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(1) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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