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2012-01-27 04:38




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

Although in the short term being less-than-truthful with the public might serve a political
leader's interest in preserving power, would-be political leaders who lack requisite integrity
ultimately forfeit their leadership. Consider Richard Nixon, whose leadership seemed born not
of ideology but of personal ambition, which bred contempt of the very people who sanctioned
his leadership in the first place; the ultimate result was his forfeiture of that leadership. In
contrast, Ronald Reagan was a highly effective leader largely because he honestly, and deeply,
believed in the core principles that he espoused and advocated during his presidency--and his
constituency sensed that genuineness and responded favorably to it. Moreover, certain types
of sociopolitical leadership inherently require the utmost integrity and honesty. Consider
notable figures such as Gandhi and King, both of whom were eminently effective in leading
others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they themselves advocated. The
reason for this is simple: A high standard for one's own personal integrity is a prerequisite for
effective moral leadership.
To sum up, I concede that the game of politics calls for a certain measure of posturing and
disingenuousness. Yet, at the end of the game, without a countervailing measure of integrity,
political game-playing will serve to diminish a political leader's effectiveness perhaps to the
point where the politician forfeits the game.
Issue 76
"What is called human nature is really a reflection of the human condition: if all people had a
reasonable share of territory and resources, such products of 'human nature' as war and crime
would become extremely rare."
Are products of human nature such as war and crime actually products of the human
condition--specifically, lack of resources and territory? The speaker daims so. I strongly
disagree, however. Whether we look at science and history, or simply look around us in our
daily lives, we see ample evidence that human aggression is the product of our nature as
humans--and not of our circumstances. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(36) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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