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2012-01-27 09:00




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

Even if the 100 participants are statistically representative of district students 5-12 years of
age, one cannot infer that older, secondary-school students would behave similarly under
similar conditions. Yet by concluding that the district should implement the program for its
secondary-school students as well, the superintendent seems to assume without supporting
evidence that this is the case. In short, lacking assurances that the 100 participants are
statistically representative of all district students, the superintendent can not draw any reliable
conclusions based on the study.
Aside from the problems involving the 6-month study, the superintendent's conclusion that
the overall academic performance of district students would improve under the proposed
program is unwarranted. By relying on the fact that eating healthful breakfasts on a regular
basis improves academic performance, the superintendent assumes that the district's
breakfasts would be healthful and that students would eat them on a regular basis.
Yet no evidence is offered to substantiate these crucial assumptions. It is entirely possible
that the district's breakfasts would not be sufficiently healthful, or that district students would
not eat these breakfasts regularly. In fact, the superintendent has not shown either that the trial
program's participants or that the broader population of district students would eat healthful
breakfasts, or any breakfast at all, under any circumstances.
In conclusion, the superintendent's argument is specious. To bolster it she must provide
clear evidence that the 100 participants in the trial program actually attended school regularly
and punctually because of the breakfasts provided, and that these 100 students are
statistically representative not only of other 5-12 year-olds but of older students as well--as a
group. Finally, to better evaluate the daim that the program would improve academic
performance I would need more information about the healthfulness of the breakfasts provided
under the proposed program.
Argument 27
The following appeared in a popular health and fitness magazine.
"A ten-year study of a group of 552 men from Elysia showed that long-term consumption of
caffeinated black tea was associated with a much lower risk of stroke. Of these men, those
who drank more than three cups of black tea a day had a 70 percent lower risk of stroke than
those who drank no tea. These results suggest that health-conscious people should consume
at least three cups of black tea a day, beginning early in life."
This magazine article concludes that in order to reduce the risk of stroke people should
consume at least three cups of black tea per day, beginning at an early age. To justify this
conclusion the artide cites a 10-year study involving 552 men from Elysia. Among these men
those who consumed at least three cups of caffeinated black tea each day were at 70% lower
risk of stroke than those who consumed no tea. Based on this evidence, I find the article's
conclusion to be unjustified in several respects. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(103) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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