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2012-02-02 20:28




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

others who seek to prey on dupes driven by the aforementioned psychological needs. And the
dupes have no recourse. After all, it is impossible to assess the credibility of a tarot card that
tells us how to proceed in life simply because we cannot know where the paths not taken
would have led. Similarly, we cannot evaluate claims about the afterlife because these claims
inherently defy empirical proof--or disproof.
In the second place, without any sure way to evaluate the legitimacy of these avenues of
inquiry, participants become vulnerable to self-deception, false hopes, fantastic ideas, and
even delusions. In turn, so-called "insights" gained from these pursuits can too easily serve as
convenient excuses for irrational and unreasonable actions that harm others. On a personal
level, stubborn adherence to irrational beliefs in the face of reason and empirical evidence can
lead to self-righteous arrogance, intolerance, anti-social behavior, and even hatred. Moreover,
on a societal level these traits have led all too often to holy wars, and to such other atrocities
as genocide and mass persecution.
In sum, I concede that the non-mainstream pursuits that the speaker lists are legitimate
insofar as they afford many people psychological solace in life. However, when such pursuits
serve as substitutes for reason and logic, and for honest intellectual inquiry, participants begin
to distrust intellect as an impediment to enlightenment. In doing so, they risk making
ill-conceived choices for themselves and unfair judgments about others--a risk that in my view
outweighs the psychological rewards of those pursuits.
Issue 25
"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral
Whether successful leadership requires that a leader follow high ethical and moral
standards is a complex issue--one that is fraught with the problems of defining ethics, morality,
and successful leadership in the first place. In addressing the issue it is helpful to consider in
turn three distinct forms of leadership: business, political, and social-spiritual.
In the business realm, successful leadership is generally defined as that which achieves the
goal of profit maximization for a firm's shareholders or other owners. Moreover, the prevailing
view in Western corporate culture is that by maximizing profits a business leader fulfills his or
her highest moral or ethical obligation. Many disagree, however, that these two obligations are
the same. Some detractors claim, for example, that business leaders have a duty to do no
intentional harm to their customers or to the society in which they operate--for example, by
providing safe products and by implementing pollution control measures. Other detractors go
further--to impose on business leaders an affirmative obligation to protect consumers,
preserve the natural environment, promote education, and otherwise take steps to help
alleviate society's problems. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(16) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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