Even if Dillton's new incentives did in fact serve to help Dillton's economy, the arride unfairly
assumes that similar incentives will carry a similar result for BeauviUe. It is entirely possible
that the two dries differ in ways that would undermine the effectiveness of similar incentives for
BeauviUe. For instance, perhaps BeauviUe's labor pool is smaller; or perhaps unemployed
BeauviUe residents would be less willing or able to go to work if offered the chance. Without
accounting for such differences any analogy between the two cities is premanare, and any
conclusion based on that analogy is unjustified. Furthermore, the author's inference that
incentives which were effective in the past will also be effective in the future rests on the poor
assumption that during the last 18 months all conditions upon which their effectiveness
depend have remained unchanged. Perhaps the general economy is expected to turn down.
Or perhaps other dries have recently begun to provide similar incentives. Indeed, the fact that
DiUton is already providing these incentives might actually portend failure for Beauville, which
might need to devise even stronger incentives to convince businesses to move to BeauviUe
rather than Dillton.
Finally, the article fails to consider any other course of action that might help Beauville attain
the same economic goals. Perhaps by improving its schools or hospitals, or by reducing its
crime rate, BeauviUe can just as quickly and effectively attract new businesses and achieve its
economic objectives. In short, without weighing the proposal against alternatives, the artide's
daim that the proposed incentives are the "best" means of achieving Beauville's objectives is
wholly unconvincing.
To sum up, the article has not convinced me that the proposed incentives would be the best
way for Beauville to achieve its economic goals. To bolster the argument the article's author
must provide clear evidence that Dillton's incentives--and not some other phenomenon-were in
fact responsible for stimulating Dillton's economy during the last 18 months. To better assess
the argument I would need to know what other conditions in Beauville that were not present in
Dillton might dissuade businesses from moving to Beauville--despite the proposed incentives.
I would also need to compare near-term economic forecasts with economic conditions during
the last 18 months. Finally, I would need to consider the proposed incentives in light of
alternative courses of action.
Argument 121
The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira Vista College to the
college's board of trustees.
"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and more job
counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors had job
offers from prospective employers. But at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the
seniors who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found
full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half of these graduates were
employed in their major field of study. To help Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we
must offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job
counselors to help students with their resumés and interviewing skills."
This letter recommends that in order to improve its job placement record Mira Vista College
should offer more business and computer courses and should hire more job counselors. To
support this recommendation the author points out that at Green Mountain College 90 percent
of last year's graduates had job offers, but that only 70 percent of Mira Vista seniors who
reported that they planned to seek employment had jobs within three months after graduation,
and only half of these graduates were employed in their major fields of study. This argument is
problematic in several critical respects.
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