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  In Hardy‘s novels, various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often.

  H 的小说,各种动力经常为彼此牺牲,且不可避免。


  Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance.

  所谓不可避免,是因为 H 不像 F 或 J 等小说家那样处理,而是选择了一条阻力最小的方式。


  Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared.



  A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give wayabruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.



  主干是 A desire might give way to the desire .

  throw over 本来是固定搭配,背弃或抛弃某人;但此处更像是 throw / cast / shed a light on sth. 的用法,“使某事物更清晰明显”,只不过用 over 替换了 on 。所以我认为,throw over reality a light that never was 是指之前的描写是缺乏实感的,现在有一个 desire 要增加实感。

  give way to sth. 被某物取代

  on the part of somebody / something 由 … 做出的

  novelist-scientist 有小说家特征的科学家。)


  In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style.



  But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly.

  但其他时候,H 放弃了某种危险,大胆,非常强劲的动力,转而追求一种抽象地归类和图示化的动力,对他来说,这种松弛的动力是致命的。

  (in favor of 本意为支持、赞成,abandon A in favor of B 是比较常见的一种衍生搭配,放弃 A 转而追求 B,或理解成为了 B 而放弃了 A,填空也会见到这种用法。)


  When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style — that sure index of an author‘s literary worth — was certain to become verbose. (167 words)


  (index 【AHD】something that reveals or indicates;a sign)

  3. Which of the following words could best be substituted for “relaxed" (line 13) without substantially changing the author‘s meaning?

  (A) informal

  (B) confined

  (C) risky

  (D) wordy

  (E) metaphoric

  选 D

  relaxed 出现在句 5,但要问可以换成哪个词,根据在句 7:

  When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style — that sure index of an author‘s literary worth — was certain to become verbose.

  informal 非正式的,不拘礼节的,日常的,口语的

  confined (空间)有限的,受限制的

  metaphoric 隐喻的

  4. The passage supplies information to suggest that its author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the novelists Flaubert and James?

  (A) They indulged more impulses in their novels than did Hardy in his novels.

  (B) They have elicited a greater degree of favorable response from most literary critics than has Hardy.

  (C) In the writing of their novels, they often took pains to effect a compromise among their various novelistic impulses.

  (D) Regarding novelistic construction, they cared more about the opinions of other novelists than about the opinions of ordinary readers.

  (E) They wrote novels in which the impulse toward realism and the impulse away from realism were evident in equal measure.

  选 C


  A 无法判断。主要是我们不知道福楼拜和詹姆斯有没有 indulge 沉溺于,估计没有,因为句 3 有个小提示 exacting a compromise,估计他们两位是这样的。

  B 比 H 更受评论家喜欢。干扰项,可以勉强推断本文作者在写作动力怎么处理的问题上更推崇福楼拜和詹姆斯,这些但无法得出 B 的结论。千万不要因为你觉得福楼拜和詹姆斯作为小说家都有鼎鼎大名,就选这个,不要滥用背景知识。

  D 无法判断,未讨论话题。

  E 无法判断,无根据的猜测。

  5. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage ("Thus…abstractly")?

  (A) The author makes a disapproving observation and then presents two cases, one of which leads to a qualification of his disapproval and the other of which does not.

  (B) The author draws a conclusion from a previous statement, explains his conclusion in detail, and then gives a series of examples that have the effect of resolving an inconsistency.

  (C) The author concedes a point and then makes a counterargument, using an extended comparison and contrast that qualifies his original concession.

  (D) The author makes a judgment, points out an exception to his judgment, and then contradicts his original assertion.

  (E) The author summarizes and explains an argument and then advances a brief history of opposing arguments.

  选 A

  作者表示了一个持 否定态度 的观察结果,句 3:

  Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared.







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