


字典 |

2012-03-28 06:46



【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

 Since the arguer makes a claim about … in general, the sample for the survey should be able to represent all …

  Yet we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented the public opinions.

  The example cited, while suggestive of these trends, is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the data draw from…is representative of…

  The arguer assumes that what is true of a group as a whole is necessarily true of each member of that group.

  The argument assumes that what is true of group of people taken collectively is also true of any individual within that group.

  The argument attributes a characteristic of an individual member of a group to the group as a whole.

  The arguer supports the conclusion by over-generalizing from a specific piece of evidence.

  The arguer draws a hasty conclusion which is based on inadequate evidence about…

  The arguer generalizes on the basis of a sample consisting of atypical cases.

  The arguer uses a few exceptional cases as the basis for a claim about what is true in general.

  The arguer draws a conclusion that is broader in scope than is warranted by the evidence advanced.

  The arguer infers from what has been observed to be the case under exceptional conditions to what is principle true.

  The author generalizes from what is true in one region of space to what must be true in all regions of space.

  The arguer attempts to extract a general principle from a specific case.

  The argument assumes a causal relationship where only a correlation has been indicated.

  The arguer’s reasoning linking A with B seems reasonable on the surface, but…

  There is no information available to justify any causal relationship between A and B.

  We do not have any evidences suggesting that A will cause B.

  Contingencies such asmarket changes, competition, material and labor costs, legislative moves, and the national or international economic cycle can all lead to the dropping profit.

  Any further linkage of these two phenomena requires more evidence and is not justified by the data so far available.

  To find the exact cause(s) ofeconomic ups or downs, examination should be applied to all the factors that have significant impact on the economy.

  It does not naturally warrant the conclusion that A has significantly contributed, and thus is causal to B.

  This observed phenomenon, actually, says little more than that these two events are synchronic to each other and that is all.

  The evidence it cites is consistent with the alternative hypothesis that…

  The argument ignores factors such as … that may be more important than A in determining B.

  The fact thata certain fitness program is mandatory for Painesville’s schoolchildren accomplishes nothing toward bolstering the recommendation that…

  The article fails to account for the alternative explanation(s) for…, thus the article’s author cannot make any sound recommendations to …

  Since the applicant has not adequately responded to this concern, his claim that…is untenable.

  Nor does the mere fact that…lends significant support to…

  Since the editorial fails to rule out these and other possible explanations for …, I cannot accept any conclusions about …

  But, since the editorial provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption it is equally possible that …

  Thus, without better evidence that …, the editorial remains unconvincing.

  Even if the dean can substantiate all of the foregoing assumptions, the dean’s assertion that … is still unwarranted.

  It is entirely possible that people inclined to recycle were not willing to respond to the survey than other people were.

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