adorn [ E5dC:n ] v.装饰
(记)ad+orn装饰 参考:ornament 装饰 suborn贿赂
adroit [ E5drCit ] adj.熟练的,敏捷的
adulate [5AdjJleIt] v. 谄媚,奉承(to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly)
(类)fulminate·criticize =adulate·flatter
aversion·disinclination=adulation·admiration 厌恶·不愿=谄媚·赞赏(褒贬程度)
(反)scorn 咒骂 disdain 轻蔑蔑视 vituperate辱骂 disparage 贬损
adulation ◆ somber affection 热烈的赞扬 ◆ 低沉的感情
adulterate [E5dQltEreIt] vt. 掺杂,掺假 adj. 伪造的,掺杂的
(类)embellish·austere=adulterate·pure 装饰·朴素=掺杂·纯净 (消除关系)
adulterate·purity=enervate·vigor 掺杂·纯度=衰弱·活力(消除关系)
adulterate·pure=bolster/ brace·weak=dismantle·unity
demanding ·satisfactory= closed-mind·sway (注:词性不对)
(反)tainted ◆ unadulterated 弄脏的 ◆ 没有搀杂的
adulteration ◆ purification 掺假 ◆ 净化
(例)adulterate coffee with ground acorns; 在咖啡中掺入磨碎的橡树子
adumbrate [5AdQmbreIt] vt. 隐约预示(to suggest or disclose partially)
(反)revelation ◆ adumbration 显示,揭露 ◆ 有保留的揭示
(记)ad+umbra(=shadow 影子)+ate 联想:事情有影子→预示 参考:umbrella 伞
advent [ 5AdvEnt ] n.不寻常事物的出现,到来
(例)the advent of the computer. 计算机的出现
adventitious [7Adven5tiFEs] adj. 外来的,非与生俱来的(not inherent but added extrinsically)
(反)constitutional, essential, intrinsic; inborn, inbred, innate, inherent
adventure [ Ed5ventFE ] n. 冒险, 冒险的经历 v. 冒险
(派)adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的, 敢做敢为的
adversary [5AdvEsErI] n. 敌手,对手(an opponent; an enemy)
(类)supplicant·humility=adversary·resistance 恳求者·谦卑=对手·反抗(正面特征)
(反)ally ◆ adversary 联盟 ◆ 敌手,对手
(记)参考:adverse 敌对的, 相反的 adversiy 不幸,灾难 versus与…相对 简写:vs
adversity [ Ed5vE:siti ] n.不幸, 灾难, 逆境(a state of hardship or affliction; misfortune)
advert [5Adv\:t] vi. 注意,留意 n. 广告(to turn the mind or attention)
(反)advertent ◆ inattentive 留意的 ◆ 不注意的
inadvertence ◆ careful attention 疏忽 ◆ 仔细留意
(例)advert to a problem. 注意到一个问题
advertise [5AdvEtaIz] vt. 广告(to announce publicly esp. by a printed notice or a broadcast)
(类)advertising·commercial=publishing·journal 广告·电视或广播广告=出版·期刊(种属)
advisable [ Ed5vaizEbl ] adj.可取的, 明智的(worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent)
advisory [ Ed5vaizEri ] adj. 顾问的, 咨询的, 忠告的
advocate [5AdvEkEt] vt. 主张,提倡(to plead in favor of)
(反)advocate ◆ denounce 主张 ◆ 谴责
(记)ad(增强)+voc(声音,叫喊)+ate 联想:大声叫喊→主张;参考:revoke 废除
(例)He advocates building more schools. 他主张多建几所学校。
aegis [ 5i:dVis ] n. 盾,保护,庇护
(例)a child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts.
aerate [5eEreIt] v. 充气(to supply or impregnate with air)
(类)aerate·oxygen=hydrate·water 充气·氧气=使成水化合物·水
(反)aerate ◆ remove air from 充气 ◆ 放出空气
(记)aer(气:air的变形)+ate(表动作)→充气 参考:aerial空气的aeronautics航空学
aesthetic [i:s5WetIk] n. 美学
(类)aesthetics·beauty=epistemology·knowledge 美学·美=知识起源学·知识
gourmet·food=aesthetic·art 美食家·食物=美学·艺术
(记)esthete:词根“感觉”;本身是一个词:美学家。参考:anaesthesia 麻醉(无感觉)
affable [5AfEbl] adj.易于交谈的,和蔼的(characterized by ease and friendliness)
(反)rascible易怒的 testy暴躁的
(记)参考fable(寓言,说)联想:通过寓言向人们和蔼的讲道理。参考:ineffable 不能说的
(例)an affable smile. 慈祥的微笑
affectation [ 7Afek5teiFEn ] n.假装, 做作(a show, pretense, or display;artificiality)