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2013-04-01 10:27




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE数学 】

  1.The percent increase from the least monthly car sales shown to thesales in July 1993 was most nearly equal to

  A.20% B.35% C.45% D.55% E.65%

  2. For which symptom are the ratings closest to the arithmetic meanfor that symptom, as measured by the standard deviation of its ratings?

  A.H B.L C.P D.T E.V


  A. x+(w-10)y+10

  B. x+(w-10)+y

  C. 10x+10(w-y)


  E. 10x+w y

  4. The jewels in a certain tiara consist of diamonds, rubies, andemeralds. If the ratio of diamonds to rubies is 5/6 and the ratio of rubiesto emeralds is 8/3, what is the least number of jewels that could be in the tiara?

  A.16 B.22C.40D.53E.67

  5.Column A: The area of the triangular region.

  Column B: The area of the circular region.

  answer: D

  6.If 3 cars have traveled a total of 180,000 miles and thedistance traveled by each car differs by at least 1 mile from the distancetraveled by either of the other 2 cars, what is the minimumpossible number of mile traveled by the car with most mileage?

  A.60,001 B.60,002 C.61,000 D.91,000 E.180,000

  7. According to the graph, which of thefollowing statements must be true?

  (1). For each of the years 1986 through 1990, the numberof cat licenses issued was greater than that of the previous year.

  (2). In Town x more households had dogs in 1986 than in 1985.

  (3). For at least one of the years shown, the number of catlicenses issued was more than 3/2 times the number of dog licenses issued.

  A.(1)only B.(2)only C.(3)only D.(1)and(2) E.(1)and(3)

  8. How many 4-digit numbers begin with an odd digit and end with an even digit?

  A.250 B.500 C.2,000 D.2.500 E.5.000

  9.answer: A

  10. In a bowl that contains 20 marbles, 7 are green, 6 are red, and theremainder are blue. Two marbles are to be drawn at random from the bowl withoutreplacement.

  Column A: The probability that one marble is green and the other marble isred.

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