留学群GRE频道为参加新GRE考试的考生提供GRE培训辅导, 公布2013年GRE考试时间、费用、GRE报名动态,提供GRE满分,填空,词汇,数学,阅读,写作,GRE机经等新GRE考试。
Major decisions should always be left for politicians and government experts to decide. 政府主要的政策应该一切都留给政客和政府专家去做选择。
They are more informed than the general public. 政客和专家比普通老百姓有更多的信息.
科学家作试验,to test whehter the scent of lavender flowers is a natural remedy for insomnia. 然后就解释了一下试验,科学家通过电子仪器在一个controlled的屋子里让volunteers睡觉。(好像是)从第一周开始就用薰衣草味道的针头给大家用。第一周大家都吃了安眠药,第二周没吃,第三周也没吃。 people reported tiredness after first week/ second week they slept longer and more soundly but reported to be less tired than first week/ third week: slept longer and more soundly.
题目问有什么evidence需要futher evaluate whether the scent of lavender flowers is a natural remedy for insomnia.