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2011-07-19 21:38




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE机经 】



7. "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
218. "In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."
35. The following appeared in the summary of a study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia. “Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, for the past several decades food-processing companies have also been adding salicylates to foods as preservatives. This rise in the commercial use of salicylates has been found to correlate with a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by participants in our twenty-year study. Recently, food-processing companies have found that salicylates can also be used as flavor additives for foods. With this new use for salicylates, we can expect a continued steady decline in the number of headaches suffered by the average citizen of Mentia."
A if the quantity in Column A is greater;
B if the quantity in Column B is greater;
C if the two quantities are equal;
D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
1.X = 4 + c ,y = 4x + C,X和Y的算術平均數是17,問C和3比大小,选B
2.a1, a2, a3, a4, …, an 給a1 = 1 , a(n+1) = - an 問 a14和a20的大小,选C
3. 一个 set S,包含n个连续正整数,比较大小:the range of the set 和 n,选B。
4. (1/3+1/2)2和(1/3)2+(1/2)2比大小,选A
5.等腰梯形求面积;斜边为10,上边15,下边25,周长60,比较他的面积和一个数,选C6.一个数轴,A点坐标是X,B点坐标是Y,y在-1~0之间,A到B的距离是y2,问X与0的大小,选B7.27被一个数除之后余3,问这个数与6比较大小,选D8.15/4<K<41/2,问范围内的偶数和奇数比大小,选A9.5t=1/125,t和-3比较。选C10. 两个圆的圆心分别是O和P,圆1以O为圆心并且过点P,圆2以P为圆心并且在O点之外,对比圆O和圆P的半径大小,选A

答:1. 直接找图中第52名学生在那根柱子上。我图上的是选7;2. 选项有A. 15% B.40%   然后是更大的一些 因为平均数是小数,而图表中的给的得分均是整数,所以我先算不在1以内的百分数标准差应该是一组数中每个数相对平均数的偏离程度 也就是偏离6.75为1.0的学生的分数,把那些得分的所有学生人数加起来是85个人,85/103比85%小一点,则1减去它比15%大一点,算到A
题目:不是灰色部分的長方形(就是白色區域的長方形)的長比寬多1inch,整個大長方形的面積是42 square inch問:灰色部分的面積:

答:因为内部长方形的长比宽多1inch,阴影部分宽度均为1inch,所以外部长方形的长也比宽多1inch,而大长方形面积为42。则设长为X,宽为X-1, 则X*(X-1)=42, X=7, 内部长方形的面积为(X-2)*(X-3)=20 square inch阴影部分的面积为,42-20=22 square inch
题目: BAC=X°,BAD=Y°,求用X表示Y。答案是180减去X。
题目:一个饼图,金融背景=17%,销售=30%,管理=%(忘记了),问销售比金融多少百分数比是:75%。Made decision的人金融背景60%,问其他的背景能够做Made decision的比例是多少。8%(这里有个总人数1900,直接忽略,另两数相乘即可)
1.数列a1=0, An=1/2An-1 +4 , 估计a100 的大小  选项A. 8 下面几项都比8大,选A。

2. 问:一個房子的售價是77000元比原本列出的價錢少30% 問當房子價錢是121000比原來的定價高出多少%

答:77000/ 70% = 110000(原價) 121000-110000/110000 = 10% 選 10% greater

3.问:一群數字的平均是 m ,最大的數字比m大20 ,最小的數字比m小4 求range?答:24

4.一个数和4的PRODUCT 跟这个数和4的SUM相等? 答:4*x=x+4,X=4/3

5. If(a¥b)=2a+2b    (x¥y)¥W=?          答:A=2x+2y,答案为2A+2W。

6.一个人说他的crew(似乎)如果天气良好和其他因素好的话,可以10天盖一层楼(level)结果花了85天盖了7层,其中天气影响延期的80percentage 问其他因素影响多少天。   KEY: 3days

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