ARGUMENT:The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Quiot Manufacturing.
"During the past year, Quiot Manufacturing had 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than at the nearby Panoply Industries plant, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts say that significant contributing factors in many on-the-job accidents are fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Quiot and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that employees will get adequate amounts of sleep."
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
【题目翻译】在过去,Q 工厂的工伤事故比邻近的Panoply 工厂多30%,Panoply 的每班工作时间比我们的短一个小时。专家相信导致很多工伤事故的重要因素就是工人的疲劳和睡眠不足。因此,为减少Q 的工伤事故数量并提高生产效率,我们应该把我们的三个班次的工作时间每个都减少一小时,从而我们的雇员将有更充足的睡眠。
【参考范文】Our vice president's suggest of short one work hour is plausible and ungrounded, he assume that accidents is caused by workers' fatigue due to more labor time in his reasoning, but these assumptions are ungrounded. For instance, accidents' causes are various from administration to work environment, not just determined by fag. What's more, longer work time might not be the certain reason for fatigue, taking time wasting in traffic, energic wasting in struggling against cumbersome machine. As we can anticipate, the high accident rates and low working productivity might not be leaded by one hour more work time .
The president has claimed that 30% accident rates are owned to fatigue while given no proof to illustrate it. Truly, additional working time makes everybody annoyed and it sounds like the causing of fatigue. However, we can suppose the factory are far away from inhabitant areas, and it is uneasy for workers to get a train or bus. It might be the primary reason for why workers are tired in their vocation. As it have expostulated, I suggest Quiot company consider employ some buses to take their personnel work and home. In addition, this fatigue may also caused by bulky implements, which waste wright most energy and make them tired out. Should the factory changed their way of thinking and manufacturing in renewal their working ships to improve the productivity and reduce accident rates.
Fatigue is not the only accounts for high accident rates, although this memo want to explain it, unconvincing, besides, there are many reasons can substitute for the expert's explication. For example, without advance techniques eliminated appliances may risk the workers wounded more. If so, the manager must set about update production line by renew their machines. According to the memo, Quiot has 30% more accidents rates than P, but we are mot sure whether Q and P are factories of same kind. If they are totally different and irrelevant, the comparison between them is useless, Q may be a heavy industrial factory with high risk connaturally. Moreover, administration is also vital especially in secure manufacture, as we can premise, unscrupulous management will case chaos in produce, ignore some lurking peril, thus the high rate of accidents. Q must check itself and make sure the working environment is safe as far as possible.
While the president indicated productivity will increase with lower accidents, this claim maybe true when accidents affect efficiency. Unluckly, there are further more elements would decrease the productiveness. First, heavily decrease may come from the unproper line structure, you can not increase productiveness sharply with inflexible manufacture ways and one hour less moreover. Also, the machines working in the line are determining in labor efficiency, as we can conclude, new technology and machine ae impetus of human procurement. Concerning another element of this argument, we are not defined whether the factory have enough staff. Management layer should expand their scales with more skillful workers for the productivity and profit.
To sum up, the president's argument is positive but no well grounded, I suggest him make a deeply consideration in accidental reasons by investigation over workers. Maybe having a sight over manufacture itself, and considering how to improve the product process are good choices while making a revolution in the factory. What's more, he should curtail his expand of the benefits that short working time without grounded demonstrations on it.