1. The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered ______ despite widespread agreement that it was _______
A. respect … crucial
B. dismissal…simplistic
C. skepticism…unfathomable
D. opposition…indisputable
E. acceptance…comprehensive
2.Despite the fact that the commission’s report treats a vitally important topic, the report will be______ read because its prose is so______ that understanding it require an enormous effort.
A. seldom…….transparent
B. carefully……..pellucid
C. little……….turgid
D. eagerly……..digressive
E. widely…….prolix
3. The rate at which soil can absorb water ______ with continuous wetting, so the longer a ______ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels.
A. rises… deluge
B. diminishes… drought
C. increases… shower
D. decreases… rainstorm
E. stabilizes…thaw
4.Writers typically do not ____ the great visual artists of their own generation: for Courbet, considered by many to be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time, the poet offered ___ praise.
A. slight.. meager
B. admire.. unstinting
C. evaluate.. extravagant
D. deprecate.. insincere
E. recognize.. scant.
5. The ideas expressed in the art historian’s book are more_____ than one would expect on the basis of her rather _____ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.
A. compelling… intriguing
B. accessible… recondite
C. hidebound… reactionary
D. insightful… innovative
6.Traditional Navajo concepts of government are ___; decisions are arrived at through consensus rather than ___ by a single authority.
A. aristocratic.. prescribed
B. egalitarian.. dictated
C. democratic.. censured
D. patriarchal.. legislated
E. hierarchical.. enacted
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