Circumcision in Germany——Incisive arguments
A row over a ruling that circumcision for non-medicalreasons is a crime
The parents, both Muslims, wanted their four-year-old son to be circumcised. They found aMuslim doctor to do the operation. But there were complications, and the boy ended up inhospital. A prosecutor accused the doctor of injuring the child, and the case went to court inCologne. The court decided that, although the doctor was innocent, circumcising an infantfornon-medical reasons violates Germany’s constitutional protection of every person’s bodilyintegrity—and should thus be a crime.
Cue the sort of controversy Germany hates most, one that offends Jews as well as Muslims.As it happens, the movement against circumcision is spreading, from California, where“intactivists” have tried to ban it, to Israel, where some parents now optfor brit shalom (the“covenantof peace”) as a ritual alternative. But the Cologne verdict breaks new ground.Sweden has a law setting medical rules over who may conduct male circumcisions.
The outrage over the Cologne ruling was immediate and immense. Dieter Graumann,president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, asserted that the verdict, if it is upheld, wouldmake Jewish life in Germany,just as it is blooming again, practically impossible.
科隆法庭的裁决随即引发了公众的强烈愤慨 。德国犹太人中央委员会主席迪特尔·高曼肯定的说,犹太人正试图重回德国,倘若法院维持原判,犹太人几乎不可能再在德国生活。
Both sides have arguments. One one hand, Germany’s constitution, written after the secondworld war to prevent any repeat of Nazi horrors, assures the rights of parents and of religiousfreedom. But on the other hand, it guarantees the physical inviolability of every person. Thecourt felt that the boy’s right to inviolability trumped the religious and parental rights of hismother and father.
Holm Putzke, a law professor in Passau who wrote an essay on the topic in2008, says therewould be no controversy if parents waited for their sons to come of age (14 years in religiousmatters) so that the young men could decide for themselves whether to be circumcised. But headds that it is wrong to make an exception for involuntary male circumcision when femalecircumcision is seen as barbaric. And he maintains that arguments which lean on tradition aloneare inadequate, for the same reason that tradition cannot, nowadays, justify polygamy orfootbinding.
Muslim theology might, in theory, allow for some flexibility in the age of circumcision. TheJewish Torah, however, is inconveniently specific: God told Abraham to circumcise his heirs onthe eighth day. That timing is non-negotiable, says Mr Graumann. He wants the GermanBundestag to step in with a statute to clear up any doubts or anxieties.