N. operatic singer; prima donna.
Although world famous as a diva, she did not indulge in fits of temperament.
N. operatic solo.
At her Metropolitan Opera audition, Marian Anderson sang an aria from Norma.
N. concluding section of a musical or literary composition.
The piece concluded with a distinctive coda that strikingly brought together various motifs.
N. Scandinavian myth; any legend.
This is a saga of the sea and the men who risk their lives on it.
N. division of a poem.
Do you know the last stanza of “The Star-Spangled Banner”?
N. story set to music, to be sung by a chorus.
The choral society sang the new cantata composed by its leader.
N. shell or jewel carved in relief; star’s special appearance in a minor role in a film.
Don’t bother buying cameos from the street peddlers in Rome: the carvings they sell are clumsy jobs.
Did you enjoy Bill Murray’s cameo in Little Shop of Horrors? He was onscreen for only a minute, but he cracked me up.
N. painting on plaster (usually fresh).
The cathedral is visited by many tourists who wish to admire the frescoes by Giotto.
N. dramatic poem set to music.
The Glee Club decided to present an oratorio during their recital.
N. boat or yacht race.
Many boating enthusiasts followed the regatta in their own yachts.
ADJ. ornate; highly decorated.
The rococo style in furniture and architecture, marked by scrollwork and excessive decoration, flourished during the middle of the eighteenth century.
ADJ. highly ornate.
Accustomed to the severe, angular lines of modern skyscrapers, they found the flamboyance of baroque architecture amusing.
N. plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto.
Scaramouche startled the other actors in the commedia troupe when he suddenly departed from their customary scenario and began to improvise.
N. highly skilled artist.
The child prodigy Yehudi Menuhin grew into a virtuoso whose virtuosity on the violin thrilled millions.
virtuosity, N.
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