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2012-01-19 09:53




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。

1 计算机和教育

Computers enhance a student’s learning experience in many ways. First of all, the computer has the ability to accommodate individual difference in learning speed because the user (the student) is the one who controls the pace of the lessons. In addition, the learner does not have to be afraid of reprisal or humiliation when making errors. A third advantage of computer assisted instruction is that a computer can give a student immediate feed back.

Computer can make the teacher’s job easier. One advantage lies in the preparation of instructional materials. In addition, the computer offers numerous advantages to teachers in managing their classrooms. Finally, computer can help teachers keep student records and chart student progress, thereby cutting down on time-consuming paperwork..

2. 计算机与工作环境

In an atmosphere of computer monitoring, inept workstations, inflexible pacing, and nerve-wracking anxiety, workman’s compensation claims based on job stress have more than doubled since 1980, and now account for approximately 15 percent of all occupational disease claims. According to estimates by the OTA, stress-related illness costs business, between $50 and 75$ billion per year.

3. 太阳能
What’s making solar energy so hot? For one thing, the technology is getting better and cheaper. The price of the photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity has fallen sharply from $500 a watt in the 1960s to about $4 today. Companies are now rushing to break the $2 barrier. Texas Instruments and Southern California Edison have joined forces to produce flexible solar panels from inexpensive low-grade silicon. The innovative technology will allow the panels to be integrated into car and building design and, even more important, will crash the price to $2.50 a watt.

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