【考法1】adj. 專制的: unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions
【例】absolute ruler 專制的統治者
【近】arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical
【考法 2】adj. 無限的: unqualified in extent or degree; total
【例】absolute silence 鴉雀無聲
【近】complete, utter, deadly, downright, out-and-out
【反】qualified 有限的,有保留的
【考法3】adj. 完美的、純淨不摻雜的:free from imperfection free or relatively; free from mixture
【例】absolute alcohol 無水酒精(純酒精)
【近】plain, refined, unadulterated, unalloyed, undiluted, unmixed
【反】adulterated, alloyed, diluted, impure, mixed 摻雜的,不純的
【考法4】adj. 不容置疑的,確鑿的: positive, unquestionable
【例】absolute proof 確鑿的證據
【近】clear, deciding, decisive, definitive
【反】inconclusive, indecisive, unclear 不明確的
【考法1】v. 使無罪,解除責任:to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt, exculpate
【例】absolve somebody from blame 使某人免受責備
【近】acquit, exonerate, vindicate
【反】blame, criminate, incriminate 定罪
【考法1】v. 自我克制,主動戒絕:to refrain from something by one's own choice
【例】abstain from smoking/voting 戒煙,棄權
【近】forgo, keep from, refrain from, withhold (from)
【反】bow to, give in to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to 屈服於
【考法1】adj. (吃喝等)有節制的,節儉的:marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or
alcohol, sparring
【例】an abstemious diet有節制的飲食, abstemious meals 節儉的晚餐
【近】continent, temperate, self-abnegating, self-denying
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