


字典 |

2012-01-19 14:03




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

First, by citing Steel City's population increase in order to argue for a step-up in home
construction, the speaker relies on certain unsubstantiated demographic assumptions. One
such assumption is that area demand for new housing will support additional home
construction in the foreseeable future. Yet lacking finn evidence that this will be the case,it is
entirely possible that the area's population will stabilize, or even decrease, and that the firm will
have trouble selling its new homes at profitable levels. Another unfair demographic assumption
is that Steel City residents will be interested in purchasing more expensive single-family
homes. Perhaps the population increase has been and will continue to be the result of an influx
of retired people who regardless of their income level are interested in smaller, less expensive
homes and condominiums, or even rental housing.
Secondly, by citing Steel City's fast-rising family-income levels to support the
recommendation, the speaker relies on other tenuous assumptions. One such assumption is
that area residents interested in buying new homes can afford homes priced over $150,000. It
is entirely possible that in Steel City family-income levels are rising rapidly primarily among
current homeowners who would not be in the market for new homes in the foreseeable future,
or among only a handful of the area's wealthiest residents. It is also possible that despite the
rapid increase the average family income in Steel City is still low compared to national
averages--too low to justify the president's recommendation to shift focus to more expensive
Thirdly, even if this firm builds and can sell expensive homes according to the president's
proposal, the firm's profits would not necessarily increase as a result. Hiring additional workers
adds to the expense of building a home, and of course the cost of materials will no doubt
increase with the value of the homes that are built. Furthermore, in all likelihood the firm would
not be able to build a greater number of expensive homes than cheaper homes. Moreover,
given the scant evidence that area residents could actually afford expensive homes, it is
entirely possible that the firm would have trouble selling these homes quickly and at profitable
price levels. In short, without a detailed cost-benefit analysis the president cannot convince me
that the proposed course of action would increase this firm's profits.
In conclusion, the president's argument is unpersuasive. To strengthen it the president must
convince me that in the foreseeable future Steel City residents will actually demand and be
able to afford houses costing more than $150,000. To better evaluate the argument I would
need more information about Steel City's demographic trends and about the income of area
residents interested in buying new homes in the foreseeable future. I would also need a
detailed analysis comparing the costs and revenues associated with the proposed course of
action with the costs and revenues associated with the construction and sale of the firm's less
expensive homes.
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