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2012-01-20 19:08




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14. 科学的标准

Universalism. One of the basic norms of scientific institutions universalism: The truth of scientific knowledge must be determined by the impersonal criteria of the scientific method, not by criteria related to race, nationality, religion, social class, or political ideology.

Consider the case of the Russian geneticist Trofim D. Lysenko, who on the basis of some extremely unscientific research on plant genetics, claimed that acquired characteristics of plants could be inherited by the next generation. This claim seems to offer hope for improvement of the Soviet union  ’s faltering agricultural production. It also fit well with Soviet ideology, which held that better human beings could be created through adherence to revolution. To Stalin and his advisers, science seemed to have proved the value of the Soviet culture and social system. Lysenko was granted a virtual dictatorship over biological research in the Soviet union  , and hundreds of Geneticists lost their jobs. Lysenko was deposed during the Khrusbchev era, but the damage done to Soviet agriculture and biological research in the name of ideology lasted many years longer.

Common ownership. Another norm of science is common ownership of scientific findings. Those findings are a result of collaboration and hence are not the property of any individual, although in some cases they may bear the name of the person who first published them, as in “Darwin’s theory of evolution” or “Einstein’s theory of relativity”. Secrecy is out of place in science.

Disinterestedness. A further norm of scientific institutions is disinterestedness. The scientist does not allow the desire for personal gain to influence the reporting and evaluation of results; fraud and irresponsible claims are outlawed. In fact, more than most other activities, scientific research is subject to the scrutiny of others. This is part of the nature of that research, which involves the search for results that can be verified; in other words, science is, in a sense, self-policing. The norm of disinterestedness does not imply that scientists cannot hope to profit from their findings, and there are many instances in which scientists have held lucrative patents for their discoveries. But it does imply that related norms of scientific research, such as unbiased observation and thoroughness in reporting findings, must take precedence over any selfish motives.(it appeared that a new era of------- might be on the horizon)

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