As for ignoring negative actions, I agree that minor peccadilloes can, and in many cases
should, be overlooked. Mistakes and other negative actions are often part of the natural
learning process. Young children are naturally curious, and parents should not scold their
children for every broken plate or precocious act. Otherwise, children do not develop a healthy
sense of wonder and curiosity, and will not learn what they must in order to make their own
way in the world. Teachers should avoid rebuking or punishing students for faulty reasoning,
incorrect responses to questions, and so forth. Otherwise, students might stop trying to learn
altogether. And employees who know they are being monitored closely for any sign of errant
behavior are likely to be less productive, more resentful of their supervisors, and less loyal to
their employers.
At the same time, some measure of constructive criticism and critique, and sometimes even
punishment, is appropriate. Parents must not turn a blind eye to their child's behavior if it
jeopardizes the child's physical safety or the safety of others. Teachers should not ignore
behavior that unduly disrupts the learning process; and of course teachers should correct and
critique students' class work, homework and tests as needed to help the students learn from
their mistakes and avoid repeating them. Finally, employers must not permit employee
behavior that amounts to harassment or that otherwise undermines the overall productivity at
the workplace. Acquiescence in these sorts of behaviors only serves to sanction them.
To sum up, the speaker's dual recommendation is too extreme. Both praise and criticism
serve useful purposes in promoting a child's development, a student's education, and an
employee's loyalty and productivity. Yet both must be appropriately and evenhandedly
administered; otherwise, they might serve instead to defeat these purposes.
Issue 118
" 'Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, 'Moderation in most
things,' since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus."
Should we strive for moderation in all things, as the adage suggests? I tend to agree with the
speaker that worthwhile endeavors sometimes require, or at least call for, intense focus at the
expense of moderation.
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