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2012-01-26 22:42




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

Argument 64
The following is a memorandum from the sales director to the president of the
Healthy-and-Good food company.
"A recent study indicates that Venadial, a new margarine currently produced only in the
country of Alta, actually reduces cholesterol levels. Derived from the resin of pine trees,
Venadial works by activating a metabolic response that is not yet well understood. However,
cholesterol levels fell ten to fifteen percent among participants in the study who consumed
Venadial daily, and the risk of heart attack by one-third. In addition, the new margarine is so
popular that stores in Alta are unable to keep it on their shelves. Therefore, if our company
obtains the exclusive right to sell Venadial internationally, our profits are sure to increase
substantially within a very short time."
In this memo the sales director of Healthy-and-Good food company recommends obtaining
the exclusive right to sell the new margarine Venadial internationally in order to increase
company profits substantially and quickly. To support this recommendation the director points
out that, in a recent study, participants who consumed Venadial daily experienced a decrease
in their cholesterol level and in their risk of heart attack. The director also points out that in Alta,
the only country where Venadial is currently produced, this margarine is extremely popular
among consumers. This argument contains several critical flaws, which render it
First of all, the memo lacks sufficient information about how the study was conducted to
determine what conclusions, if any, can be drawn from it. Unless all other conditions potentially
affecting cholesterol level and heart-attack risk remained constant during the study, and unless
the study induded a statistically significant number of participants, any condusions from the
study are simply unreliable. Moreover, the memo fails to indicate whether the study also
included a distinct group of participants who did not consume Venadial daily. If it did, then the
comparison of cholesterol levels and heart attacks between the two groups would help us to
assess the strength of the memo's claims about the health benefits of Venadial.
Secondly, the memo unfairly assumes that since Venadial is popular in Alta it will also be
popular in other countries. Consumer tastes in foods like margarine, as well as concerns about
health matters such as cholesterol level, vary widely from country to country. It is quite possible
that consumers in Alta enjoy the taste of Venadial more than other consumers would, or that
consumers in Alta are more concemed than the average person about cholesterol level and
heart attacks. Since the memo provides no evidence that tastes and health concerns of Alta
consumers are representative of those of people generally, the sales director's conclusion that
Venadial will be popular elsewhere is unjustifiable, at least based on the memo. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(124) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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