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2012-01-27 02:42




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

To begin with, assuming that the Megalopolis success was in fact due to DR's popularity
there, the manager overlooks the possibility that Ad Lib's campaign had nothing to do that
popularity. Perhaps the band recently became overwhelmingly popular due to a new hit song
or to a revival of the type of music DR plays. Either scenario, if true, would serve to undermine
the manager's claim that Ad Lib's efforts are to be credited for the Megalopolis success.
The manager also overlooks the possibility that one or more factors other than Ad Lib's
efforts or DWs popularity were instead responsible for the Megalopolis success. For instance,
perhaps DR shared the bill at the concert with another band, whose appearance was the
actual reason for the concert's success. If so, this fact would seriously weaken the manager's
claim that the Megalopolis success is attributable to Ad Lib's efforts and to DR's popularity in
Megalopolis--whether or not that popularity resulted from Ad Lib's campaign.
Even assuming that either DR's popularity or Ad Lib's campaign, or both, were responsible
for the Megalopolis success, the manager's claim that this success can be repeated elsewhere
might nevertheless be unwarranted. Megalopolis might not be representative of most dries in
which DR plans to appear in any one of various ways which would adversely impact ticket
sales in other dries. For instance, perhaps DR hails from Mega lopolis and has far more fans in
Megalopolis than any other city. Or, perhaps the kind of ad campaign that is Ad lab's specialty,
although effective in Megalopolis, would not be effective in most dries.
Finally, in conduding that DR must hire Ad Lib in order to ensure similar success throughout
the country, the manager assumes that Ad Lib's services are both necessary and sufficient for
this purpose. Yet the manager has not provided any evidence to substantiate either
assumption. Lacking such evidence, it is just as likely that some other ad agency would be
equally or more effective. Even ifad Lib's services are necessary to achieve the manager's
goal, it is entirely possible that Ad Lib's services would not suffice to ensure similar success
elsewhere--due to the sorts of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to the
Megalopolis success but would not come into play in other dries.
In sum, the manager has not convinced me that DR's interests would be well served if and
only ifit hires Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country. To bolster the argument the
manager must rule out all other possible reasons for the success of the Megalopolis concert,
and must show that Ad Lib is capable of achieving similar success in other cities.
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