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2012-02-02 18:10




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

Yet the reasons why these dissenters oppose certain innovations have to do with their
potential applications and uses, not with the renovations themselves. Edward Teller, the father
of the atom bomb, foresaw the benefits of atomic energy, yet understood the grave
consequences of applying the technology instead for destruction. Innovations involving
alternative energy sources meet with resistance from many businesses because of their
potential application in ways that will threaten the financial interests of these businesses. And
those who would impede advances in Internet technology fear that consumers and businesses
will use the technology for crass commercialism, exploitation, and white-collar crime, rather
than for the sorts of educational and communication purposes for which it was originally
designed. Finally, opponents of genetic engineering fear that, rather than using it to cure birth
defects and prevent disease, the technology will be used instead by the wealthy elite to breed
superior offspring, thereby causing society's socioeconomic gap to widen even further, even
resulting in the creation of a master race.
In sum, when it comes to new social and political ideas, the power and security afforded by
the status quo impedes initial acceptance, yet by the same token ensures that the ideas will be
applied in ways that will be welcome by our society. On the other hand, it seems that scientific
innovation is readily embraced yet meets stronger resistance when it comes to applying the
Issue 96
"Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new
environment and--, eventually, --to change it."
Do academic and professional success both involve surviving in a new environment and
eventually changing it, as the speaker claims? Regarding academic success, in my view the
speaker overstates the significance of environment. Regarding professional success the
speaker's threshold claim that adaptation is necessary has considerable merit; however, the
extent to which professional success also entails shaping the environment in which the
professional operates depends on the type of profession under consideration.
Turning fzrst to academic success, I concede that as students advance from grade school to
high school, then to college, they must accustom themselves not just to new curricula but also
to new environments--mompfised of campuses, classmates, teachers, and teaching methods.
The last item among this list is proving particularly significant in separating successful students
from less successful ones. As computers and the Internet are becoming increasing important
tools for learning academic skills and for research, they are in effect transforming our learning
environment--at every educational level. Students who fail to adapt to this change will fred
themselves falling behind the pace of their peers. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(46) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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