Turning from individual achievements to societal, induding political, achievements, the
extent to which great achievements have caused great discontent often depends on one's
perspective. Consider, for example, America's spirit of Manifest Destiny during the 19th
Century, or British Imperialism over the span of several centuries. From the perspective of an
Imperialist, conquering other lands and peoples might be viewed as an unqualified success.
However, from the viewpoint of the indigenous peoples who suffer at the hands of Imperialists,
these so-called "achievements" are the source of widespread oppression and misery, and in
turn discontent, to which any observant Native American or South African native could attest.
The extent to which great socio-political achievements have caused great discontent also
depends on the perspective of time. For example, F.D.R.'s New Deal was and still is
considered by many to be one of the greatest social achievements of the 20th Century.
However, we are just now beginning to realize that the social-security system that was an
integral part of F.D.R.'s social program will soon result in great discontent among those
workers currently paying into the system but unlikely to see any benefits after they retire.
To sum up, I agree that great achievements, both individual and socio-political, often result
in great discontent. Moreover, great individual achievements can result in discontent for both
the individual achiever and the society impacted by the achievement. Nevertheless, in
measuring the extent of discontent, we must account for varying personal and political
perspectives as well as different time perspectives.
Issue 57
"Contemporary art (painting, music, literature, etc.) is absent from the lives of most people,
since it is primarily created only for the enjoyment of other artists. Art should instead be
created purely for popular understanding and appreciation."
This statement asserts that art, not the art critic, provides something of lasting value to
society. I strongly agree with the statement. Although the critic can help us understand and
appreciate art, more often than not, critique is either counterproductive to achieving the
objective of art or altogether irrelevant to that objective.
To support the statement the speaker might point out the three ostensible functions of the art
critic. First, critics can help us understand and interpret art; a critic who is familiar with a
particular artist and his or her works might have certain insights about those works that the
layperson would not. Secondly, a critic's evaluation of an art work serves as a filter, which
helps us determine which art is worth our time and attention. For example, a new novel by a
best-selling author might nevertheless be an uninspired effort, and if the critic can call our
attention to this fact we gain time to seek out more worthwhile literature to read. Thirdly, a critic
can provide feedback for artists; and constructive criticism, if taken to heart, can result in better
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