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2012-02-02 19:45




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

In sum, the speaker correctly asserts that it is through mistakes that discovery and true
progress are made. Indeed, our personal growth as individuals, as well as advances in science,
government, and law, depends on making mistakes.
Issue 56
"What society has thought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements have
often resulted in the greatest discontent."
I strongly agree that great achievements often lead to great discontent. In fact, I would
assert more specifically that great individual achievements can cause discontent for the
individual achiever or for the society impacted by the achievement, or both. Neverthe- less, it is
important to acknowledge that whether a great achievement causes great dis- content can
depend on one's personal perspective, as well as the perspective of time.
With respect to individual achievements, great achievers are by nature ambitious people
and therefore tend to be dissatisfied and discontent with their accomplishments—no matter
how great. Great athletes are compelled to try to better their record-breaking per- formances;
great artists and musicians typically daim that their greatest work will be their next one--a sign
of personal discontent. And many child prot6g6s, especially those who achieve some measure
of fame early in life, later suffer psychological discontent for having "peaked" so early. Perhaps
the paradigmatic modern example of a great achiever's discontent was Einstein, whose
theoretical breakthroughs in physics only raised new theoretical conundrums which Einstein
himself recognized and spent the last twenty years of his life struggling unsuccessfully to
Individual achievements can often result in discontent on a societal level. The great
achievement of the individual scientists responsible for the success of the Manhattan Project
resulted in worldwide anxiety over the threat of nuclear annihilation--a form of discontent with
which the world's denizens will forever be forced to cope. Even individual achievements that at
first glance would appear to have benefited society turn out to be causes of great discontent.
Consider the invention of the automobile, along with the innovations in manufacturing
processes and materials that made mass production possible. As a result we have become a
society enslaved to our cars, relying on them as crutches not only for transportation but also
for affording us a false sense of socioeconomic status. Moreover, the development of
assembly-line manufacturing has served to alienate workers from their work, which many
psychologists agree causes a great deal of personal discontent. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(51) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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