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2012-02-03 19:23


【 liuxuequn.com - GRE词汇 】

from bbs.yuanda.org

et(te), et(ta)=small

N. small ring; band.
This tiny circlet is very costly because it is set with precious stones.
构词:circle + et (small)

n. program as for trial; book where such entries are made.
The case of Smith v. Jones was entered in the docket for July 15. also v.
构词:dock (document) + et (small)

gaz+ette=small coin
N. official periodical publication.
He read the gazettes regularly for the announcement of his promotion.
构词:gaz (coin) + ette (small)

N. small surgical tool for making incisions.
With the sharp tip of her lancet, Doctor Wheeler cut into the abscess, opening it to let it drain.
构词:lance(长矛)+ et (small)

n. text of an opera.
The composer of an opera’s music is remembered more frequently than the author of its libretto.
构词:liber (letter) + et (small)

N. board on which a painter mixes pigments.
At the present time, art supply stores are selling a paper palette that may be discarded after use.
构词:pale (spade) + et (small)

N. small, poor bed.
The weary traveler went to sleep on his straw pallet.
构词:pall (bed) + et (small)

=river + small
N. small stream.
As the rains continued, the trickle of water running down the hillside grew into a rivulet that threatened to wash away a portion of the slope.
构词:riv (river) + ul(补音)+ et (small)

N. picture; short literary sketch.
The New Yorker published her latest vignette.
构词:vign (vine: 葡萄花边) + ette (small)

N. knickknack; bauble.
Whenever she traveled abroad, Ethel would pick up costume jewelry and other trinkets as souvenirs.
构词:trink (?) + et (small)

fy=make, v

v. arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify.
We need to take the varying rules and regulations of the different health agencies and codify them into a national health code.
构词:code + fy (make)

v. turn into a god; idolize.
Admire the rock star all you want; just don’t deify him.
构词:dei (deity=god) + fy (make)

v. instruct; correct morally.
Although his purpose was to edify and not to entertain his audience, many of his listeners were amused and not enlightened.
构词:edi (educate) + fy (v)

v. bear fruit.
This peach tree should fructify in three years.
构词:fruct (fruit) + fy (make)

v. make secure against loss; compensate for loss.
The city will indemnify all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project.
构词:in (not) + demn (injure) + fy (make)

v. soothe.
The airline customer service representative tried to mollify the angry passenger by offering her a seat in first class.
构词:moll (soft) + fy (make)

v. humiliate; punish the flesh.
She was so mortified by her blunder that she ran to her room in tears.
构词:mort (death) + fy (make)

v. soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue.
Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.
构词:pac (peace) + fy (make)

v. approve formally; confirm; verify.
Party leaders doubted that they had enough votes in both houses of Congress to ratify the constitutional amendment.
构词:rat (rate, reckon) + fy (make)


N. beautiful writing; excellent penmanship.
As we examine ancient manuscripts, we become impressed with the calligraphy of the scribes.
构词:call (good) + graphy (writing)

N. art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances.
Merce Cunningham has begun to use a computer in designing choreography: a software program allows him to compose arrangements of possible moves and immediately view them onscreen.
构词:chore (dance) + graphy (writing)

N. physical features of a region.
Before the generals gave the order to attack, they ordered a complete study of the topography of the region.
构词:top + graphy (writing)=描述地形的起伏

N. correct spelling.
Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are not written phonetically.
构词:orth (east—correct) + graphy (writing). GRE考试形式:中国大陆地区、香港、澳门、韩国目前执行分开考试的形式。由机考(分析性写作)和笔试(语文、数学)组成。
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