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2012-02-03 19:27


【 liuxuequn.com - GRE词汇 】

v. revoke; annul.
What would the effect on our society be if we decriminalized drug use by repealing the laws against the possession and sale of narcotics?
构词:re (again) + peal (appeal)

N. rebound; reverberation; reaction.
I am afraid that this event will have serious repercussions.
构词:re (back) + percuss (strike) + ion (n)

N. list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to present.
The opera company decided to include Madame Butterfly in its repertoire for the following season.
构词:re (back) + pert (get) + oire (n)

N. temporary stay.
During the twenty-four-hour reprieve, the lawyers sought to make the stay of execution permanent, also v.
构词:re (back) + prieve (take)

N. retaliation.
I am confident that we are ready for any reprisals the enemy may undertake.
构词:re (back) + prise (hand—hold) + al (n)

=take back
N. musical repetition; repeat performance; recurrent action.
We enjoyed the soprano’s solo in Act I so much that we were delighted by its reprise in the finale. At Waterloo, it was not the effect of any one skirmish that exhausted Colonel Audtey; rather, it was the cumulative effect of the constant reprises that left him spent.
构词:re (back) + prise (hand—hold)

v. disown; disavow.
On separating from Tony, Tina announced that she would repudiate all debts incurred by her soon-to-be ex-husband.
构词:re (back) + pud (push?) + ate (v)

v. repay; revenge.
The wretch requited his benefactors by betraying them.
构词:re (back) + quite (pay)
ADJ. not reciprocated.
Suffering the pangs of unrequited love, Olivia rebukes Cesario for his hard-heartedness.

v. cancel.
Because of the public outcry against the new taxes, the senator proposed a bill to rescind the unpopular financial measure.
构词:re (back) + scind (split)

ADJ. elastic; having the power of springing back.
Highly resilient, steel makes excellent bedsprings.
resilience, N.
构词:re (back) + sili (leap) + ent (a)

N. interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punishment.
For David, the two weeks vacationing in New Zealand were a delightful respite from the pressures of his job.
构词:re (back) + spite (see)

v. repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment).
Because everyone knew the Princeton band had stolen Brown’s mascot, the whole Princeton student body expected some sort of retaliation from Brown, retaliate, v.
构词:re (back) + tali (punish) + tion (n)

ADJ. mutual; exchangeable; interacting.
The two nations signed a reciprocal trade agreement.
构词:re (back) + ciproc (alter) + al (a)

v. repay in kind.
If they attack us, we shall be compelled to reciprocate and bomb their territory.
reciprocity, N.

v. abstain from; resist. N. chorus.
Whenever he heard a song with a lively chorus, Sol could never refrain from joining in on the refrain.
构词:re (back) + frain (hold)

v. disprove.
The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the false testimony of the prosecution’s only witness.
refutation, N.
构词:re (back) + fute (fill)

N. retort; comeback; reply.
When someone has been rude to me, I find it particularly satisfying to come up with a quick rejoinder.

构词:re (back) + join + der (n)


v. reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc.); fashion again.
Let me recast this sentence in terms your feeble brain can grasp: in words of one syllable, you are a fool.
构词:re (again) + cast (make)

v. renovate; make bright by polishing.
The flood left a deposit of mud on everything; it was necessary to refurbish our belongings.
构词:re (again) + furb (brighten) + ish (v)

v. restore to proper condition.
We must rehabilitate those whom we send to prison.
构词:re (again) + ability + ate (v) =restore ability

v. make young again.
The charlatan claimed that his elixir would rejuvenate the aged and weary.
构词:re (again) + juven (young) + ate (v) GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。

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