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2012-02-05 11:48


【 liuxuequn.com - GRE词汇 】


cadaverous :: like a corpse; pale

callous :: hardened; unfeeling

calorific :: heat-producing

canny :: shrewd; thrifty

capacious :: spacious

capricious :: fickle; incalculable

captious :: faultfinding

carnal :: fleshly

carnivorous :: meat-eating

carping :: finding fault

catholic :: broadly sympathetic; liberal

caustic :: burning; sarcastically biting

celestial :: heavenly

celibate :: unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse

centigrade :: measure of temperature used widely in Europe

centrifugal :: radiating; departing from the center

cerebral :: pertaining to the brain of intellect

chaffing :: bantering; joking

chaotic :: in utter disorder

chary :: cautiously watchful

chaste :: pure

checkered :: marked by changes in fortune

chimerical :: fantastic; highly imaginative

choleric :: hot-tempered

chronic :: long established as a disease

churlish :: boorish; rude

ciliated :: having minute hairs

circuitous :: roundabout

circumspect :: prudent; cautious

clairvoyant :: having foresight

clandestine :: secret

clarion :: shrill trumpetlike sound

climactic :: relating to the highest point

cogent :: convincing

cognate :: allied by blood; of the same or kindred nature

coincident :: occurring at the same time

colossal :: huge

combustible :: easily burned

comely :: attractive; agreeable

commensurate :: equal in extent

commodious :: spacious and comfortable

compatible :: harmonious; in harmony with

complacent :: self-satisfied

complaisant :: trying to please; obliging

compliant :: yielding

concentric :: having a common center

concise :: brief and compact

concurrent :: happening at the same time

condign :: adequate; deservedly severe

congenital :: existing at birth

conjugal :: pertaining to marriage

connubial :: pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state

consummate :: complete

contentious :: quarrelsome

contiguous :: adjacent to; touching upon

contingent :: conditional

contrite :: penitent

contumacious :: disobedient; resisting authority

conversant :: familiar with

convivial :: festive; gay; characterized by joviality

copious :: plentiful

corporeal :: bodily; material

corpulent :: very fat

corrosive :: eating away by chemicals or disease

cosmic :: pertaining to the universe; vast

covert :: secret; hidden; implied

covetous :: avaricious; eagerly desirous of

coy :: shy; modest; coquettish

crabbed :: sour; peevish

crass :: very unrefined; grossly insensible

craven :: cowardly

crestfallen :: dejected; dispirited

cryptic :: mysterious; hidden; secret

culinary :: relating to cooking

culpable :: deserving blame

cursory :: casual; hastily done

GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。

  想了解更多GRE词汇网的资讯,请访问: GRE词汇
