panegyric: (n.)赞扬;A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment
1) (n.) high praise
2) a formal expression of praise
panegyric <> denunciation, condemnation
panegyric <> excoriate
panegyric <> anathema 颂词<>诅咒
panegyric : praise
aspersion: discredit = panegyric: praise诽谤则使丧失名誉=颂词则颂扬
panegyric :eulogize = lampoon : satirize 颂词则称赞=讽刺文章则讽刺
lampoon: satirize =panegyric: eulogize 讽刺文章则讽刺=颂词则颂扬
赞颂之词:a eulogistic
panegyric: eulogize=lampoon: satirize 颂词则颂扬=讽刺文章则讽刺 oration or writing
panegyric: praise=aspersion: discredit 颂词则颂扬=诽谤则使丧失信誉
panegyric: praise=valediction: farewell颂词则颂扬=告别致词则告别
panegyric anathema 颂词诅咒
panegyric denunciation/condemnation 颂词谴责
PANEGYRIC = eulogistic oration denouncement, condemnatin
PANEGYRIC anathema
PANEGYRIC : EULOGIZE lampoon : satirize
PANEGYRIC : PRAISE aspersion : discredit
PANEGYRIC : PRAISE valediction : farewell
ADMONISHMENT : WARN panegyric : compliment
panegyric lofty praise
panegyric:praise s.
panegyric:eulogize=lampoon:satirize 颂词:称赞,颂扬=讽刺文章:讽刺(事物及其正面特征)
panegyric:praise=aspersion:discredit 赞扬:表扬=诽谤:使丧失信誉(目的关系)
panegyric:praise=valediction:farewell 颂词:赞扬,称赞=临别致词:辞别(事物及其正面特征)
PANEGYRIC RAISE 颂词, 推崇:称赞 = (特征)
Upon his retirement, he received a great panegyric from many of his associates.
His panegyric to his opponent stood in sharp contrast to the harsh tenor of the campaign.