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2012-03-08 06:40



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  例14. (2007 Sample Test) (CEH)

  Having displayed his art collection in a vast modernist white space in (i) ______ former warehouse, Mr. Saatchi has chosen for his new site its polar opposite, a riverside monument to civic pomposity that once housed the local government. There is nothing (ii) ______ about the new location: the building’s design is bureaucratic baroque, (iii) ______ style that is as declamatory as a task-force report and as self-regarding as a campaign speech.

  BLANK (i)                       BLANK (ii)            BLANK (iii)

  (A) a decadent              (D) atavistic         (G) an ascetic

  (B) a claustrophobic      (E) spare             (H) a grandiose

  (C)an unprepossessing (F) pretentious     (I) an understated

  (一) 选取第一空所在部分:

  Having displayed his art collection in a vast modernist white space in (i) ______ former warehouse, Mr. Saatchi has chosen for his new site its polar opposite, a riverside monument to civic pomposity that once housed the local government.

  看到polar opposite,因而前后两者之间的关系是反义,请注意在出现明显反义标志后,时间对比要让位于明显的反义,因而这里是一个反义结构。故前后两者的特点相反,之前的former warehouse是not pompous的。


  [1]. decadent:(放纵的)characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence

  [2]. claustrophobic:(幽闭恐惧症的)affected with or inclined to abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces

  [3]. unprepossessing:(不显眼的)not tending to create a favorable impression : NOT ATTRACTIVE

  (二) 选取第二空所在部分:

  …There is nothing (ii) ______ about the new location: the building’s design is bureaucratic baroque …

  冒号进行解释说明,前后两个分句是同义关系,但是由于否定词语“nothing”的存在表示对相关词语的取反,后面对于新建筑特点的描述,说明其特点是“baroque”,则前一句中对于建筑物特点的描述即blank(ii)为“not baroque”。


  [1]. atavistic:(激进的)recurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an ancestral form and usually due to genetic recombination

  [2]. spare:(简约)not abundant or plentiful

  [3]. pretentious:(自命不凡的)characterized by pretension

  (三) 选取第三空所在部分:

  …the building’s design is bureaucratic baroque, (iii) ______ style that is as declamatory as a task-force report and as self-regarding as a campaign speech.


  定语从句中“as declamatory as a task-force report and as self-regarding as a campaign speech”,对于“task-force report”作为“专家组报告”,其正面特点是“declamatory”;对于“campaign speech”作为“竞选演说”,其正面特点是“self-regarding”,即“concerned with oneself or one's own interests”。因此说,整个定语从句都在重申某一事物的正面特征。而这座新建筑的风格特点是baroque,故在blank(iii)中也可以填入baroque的同义词。


  [1]. ascetic:(简洁的)austere in appearance, manner, or attitude

  [2]. grandiose:(壮观的)characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration

  [3]. understated:(低调的)avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment

  (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:

  过去,Mr. Saatchi在不显眼的旧仓库中用巨幅白色背景展示自己的艺术收藏品;但现在,他在一座可以充分展示装饰华丽特性的前当地政府的房屋中展示自己的收藏品,这与他原来所选展地的特性完全相反。这个新的展览地毫不低调:房屋的设计浮夸、壮丽,如同专家报告是权威的、竞选演说是利己的一样。


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