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2012-03-20 17:43



【 liuxuequn.com - GRE真题 】


  (OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q1, Medium)

  It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be _______.

  (A) predictable

  (B) unexpected

  (C) admirable

  (D) explicit

  (E) confusing

  KEY: B

  关键字:分号表复指、on the other hand表反义前半句话与后半句话由分号连接,应该表示同义,由于前半句中存在no,后半句中存在on the other hand进行取反,偶数个否定词不改变词语之间的方向逻辑,故对应单词之间应该是同义关系。前半句对于社会中所拥有的行为准则的存在的评价是no surprise;而后文中同样是对于社会行为准则进行描述,故对应词语在no surprise上,通过on the other hand取反以后,应该填入surprise的同义词。词汇解释:

  [1]. (A) predictable:(可以预计的)to declare or indicate in advance

  [2].(B) unexpected:(预料之外的)not expected

  [3]. (C) admirable:(值得赞扬的)deserving the highest esteem

  [4]. (D) explicit:(详尽的)fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity

  [5]. (E) confusing:(令人迷惑的)to make embarrassed

  (OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q2, Medium)

  Like Béla Bartók, Ruth Crawford not only brought a composer’s acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i) _______ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a performance in a written text, and this (ii) ______ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology.

  BLANK (i)                    BLANK (ii)

  (A) reverence for        (D) fastidiousness

  (B) detachment from   (E) didacticism

  (C) curiosity about      (F) iconoclasm


  关键词:not only … but also变体表递进关系;“,+and”结构等同于分号。先看blank(i)所在的第一句话,blank(i)中应该填入一个名词,用来描述RC这个人对于民乐的一种态度,而RC这个人对于民乐的态度是依据“not only … but also…”这个结构的变体,即“not only … also …”来连接的,因而在这两句中对于RC这个人对民乐的态度应该是程度不同的近义词,而且在also一句中的程度大于not only中的相关词语的程度。由于在前半句中给出的是acumen,即“敏锐、敏感”,是对于民乐的一种正态度,因而后面应该也填入一个正态度,即答案应该从A、C中选择。看第二句话中有“This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details”,说明RC这个人对于民乐的态度是可以从她对于细节的把握来看出来的,因而其对待民乐应该是一种重视的态度,故选择A选项。接下来,在第二句中,由于“,+and”结构可以视作分号来看待,因而前后两个半句应该是复指关系,前半句说RC努力体现民乐的细节,用到了agonizing一词,即“不懈努力”之意,因而后半句也应该体现出她这种“努力”的意思,故选择D选项。词语解释:

  [1].(A) reverence for:(尊敬)honor or respect felt or shown : DEFERENCE

  [2]. (B) detachment from:(分离)the action or process of detaching : SEPARATION

  [3]. (C) curiosity about:(喜好)interest leading to inquiry

  [4].(D) fastidiousness:(近乎苛求的态度)reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude

  [5]. (E) didacticism:(说教主义)intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment

  [6]. (F) iconoclasm:(反传统主义)the doctrine, practice, or attitude of a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions

  (OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q3, Medium)

  Political advertising may well be the most (i) ______ kind of advertising: political candidates are usually quite (ii)______, yet their campaign advertisements often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans.

  BLANK (i)          BLANK (ii)

  (A) polemical     (D) interchangeable

  (B) effective       (E) dissimilar

  (C) deceptive     (F) vocal


  关键字:冒号解释说明,yet表示转折Blank(i)中应该填入一个形容词,用来表示political advertising的属性,但就这一句话来说无法确定应该填入什么词语,发现有冒号存于句中,因而political advertising是什么样的广告可以通过后面的解释说明的语句来读出。Blank(ii)中应该填入一个形容词,用来描述参选人的特性。在冒号后面的句子中,由于yet的存在,表明两句话应该是反义关系。后半句话说广告将参选人的不同点隐藏起来而使之展现一样的形态,因此前半句话中说参选人的部分应该是他们具有“不同”的特性。而在这里,广告的作用也体现出来了,即“掩盖”,因此blank(i)中应该填人一种“假冒”色彩的词语进去。词语解释:

  [1]. (A) polemical:(引起争论的)of, relating to, or being a polemic : CONTROVERSIAL

  [2]. (B) effective:(有效的)producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect

  [3].(C) deceptive:(具有欺骗性的)tending or having power to deceive : MISLEADING

  [4]. (D) interchangeable:(可互换的,潜台词是“相同的”)capable of being interchanged

  [5].(E) dissimilar:(不同的)UNLIKE

  [6]. (F) vocal:(声音相关的)relating to, composed or arranged for, or sung by the human voice


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