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2012-04-21 05:10




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】


The media is important and there are commercials for business reasons and news and entertainment.

For media to become mainstream, it must appeal to many people. The values expressed must be attractive to the audience, otherwise it will not sell. Example of specific media - Televison:

Television rates each show by the number of viewers. Shows that do not have a large audience are usually cancelled and then they can allow time for a new show. Successful shows are duplicated. For example, Star Trek was successful so it is the creation of many new Star Trek shows (Deep Space Nine, Voyager). Veiwers decide which shows stay or leave. What makes a successful or unsuccessful show? Usually if the audience can identify with an actor, or situation, etc. the show will gain popularity. Special effects make shows more interesting; but, if the plot is not acceptable, the show is usually doomed.www.examw.com


This essay does not analyze the issue. Unlike many other essays at the 1 score level, this response is fairly easy to read and has, more or less, an overall coherence. The writer's position is that media have to "appeal to many people" in order "to become mainstream," and the brief discussion supports that position. The essay was scored a 1 because it does not address the basic issue presented in the topic: do the media create or reflect the values of a society?中华考试网(www.liuxue86。com)

Readers are told to read supportively, but when a writer merely writes about something in the topic (in this case, "the media") and ignores the issue, the response will probably not earn higher than a 1. Similarly, an essay that discusses only "values" (religion, for example, with no reference to media) or "a favorite television show" (with no reference to how television reflects or influences people's values), no matter how well written, could not earn a very high score.

The sentences are generally coherent, and the errors do not seriously interfere with meaning. It is not the control of syntax or conventions per se that keeps this essay at the 1 level but, as noted above, the inability of the writer to clearly address the issue.

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