ego |
one's opinion of oneself; self-esteem |
egoism |
excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others; selfishness; ADJ. egoistic, egoistical |
egotism |
tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance |
egotistical |
egotistic; excessively self-centered(egocentric); self-important; conceited |
egregious |
notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking |
egress |
exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP. ingress |
ejaculation |
exclamation; abrupt ejection (to discharge sperm); V. ejaculate |
elaborate |
work out carefully; add more detail or information; ADJ. |
elaboration |
addition of details; intricacy |
elastic |
able to spring back into shape; quick to recover (as from disappointment); able to adapt to change; Ex. elastic plans; N: elastic material |
elated |
filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud; Ex. elated crowd; V. elate; N. elation |
elegy |
poem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead); ADJ. elegiacal, elegiac |
elevation |
elevated position; altitude; height; flat upright side of a building; angle made by pointing a gun; Ex. The elevation of her style is much admired; Ex. front elevation of the house |
elicit |
draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone) |
elixir |
cure-all; panacea; something invigorating |
ellipsis |
omission of words from a text; mark used to indicate an omission (when the meaning can be understood without them); PL. ellipses |
elliptical |
elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out |
elope |
run away secretly with the intention of getting married |
eloquence |
expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced |
elucidate |
explain; make clear; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid |
elusive |
evasive; not frank; baffling; hard to grasp, catch, or understand; V. elude: escape from; escape the understanding or grasp of; Ex. elude the hunter; Ex. His name eludes me. |
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