(OG Authentic GRE Practice Test Section 3, Q24)
During the opera’s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed _______, without necessary relation to what has gone before.
(A) arbitrary
(B) capricious
(C) cautious
(D) compelling
(E) exacting
(F) meticulous
关键字:without表示转折空格中应该填入一个形容词,用来形容tempo的特点。两句话之间没有反义关联元素的存在,但由于without necessary relation to表示否定,因而对应词语之间是反义词关系。而这个所要填入的特点,按照后半句的来说,就是“与之前相关”的反义词,因而体现“不同、特殊”等含义均可。词语解释 [1].(A) arbitrary:(恣意的)existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will
[2].(B) capricious:(善变的)governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
[3]. (C) cautious:(小心的)marked by or given to caution
[4]. (D) compelling:(强制的)that compels: as FORCEFUL
[5]. (E) exacting:(苛求的)tryingly or unremittingly severe in making demands
[6]. (F) meticulous:(极其细心的)marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details