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2012-04-23 19:18




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE真题 】

1. Even though six players had been injured, the
coach announced to the assembled reporters that
the team would ---- the championship.
(A) ignore
(B) win
(C) overcome
(D) demand
(E) refuse
2. Although Jungius detected Galileo’s ---- in
thinking that the curve assumed by a chain
hanging freely between two supports was a 来自www.Examw.com
parabola, he did not ---- what the true form
might be.
(A) wisdom.. question
(B) rationale.. prove
(C) error.. discover
(D) sincerity.. conceal
(E) ingenuity.. understand
3. Perhaps----, since an ability to communicate
effectively is an important trait of any great
leader, it has been the ---- Presidents who have
delivered the most notable inaugural addresses.
(A) predictably.. exceptional
(B) invariable.. famous
(C) undeniably.. indomitable
(D) reciprocally.. traditionalist
(E) impractically.. influential
4. Her remarkable----, which first became
apparent when she repeatedly defeated the older
children at school, eventually earned for her
some---- rewards, including a full athletic
scholarship and several first-place trophies.
(A) sportsmanship.. academic
(B) agility.. monetary
(C) modesty.. unanticipated
(D) speed.. tangible
(E) patience.. well-deserved
5. An example of an illegitimate method of
argument is to lump----cases together deliberately
under the ---- that the same principles apply to
(A) unsuitable.. impression
(B) disputable.. stipulation
(C) irrelevant.. assumption
(D) dissimilar.. pretense
(E) indeterminate.. rationale

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