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2012-04-23 19:21




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE真题 】

1. The ---- success of any government depends on its ability to ---- both foreign and domestic policies.
(A) political.. implement
(B) military.. distribute
(C) social.. complete
(D) essential.. violate
(E) diplomatic.. subsidize
2. Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ----, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
(A) ambiguous
(B) provisional 考试用书
(C) menial
(D) unique
(E) mediocre
3. Since the process of atherosclerosis cannot be ----- in humans, the best treatment known at this time is ---- of the disease.
(A) reversed.. prevention
(B) discovered.. remission
(C) defined.. explanation
(D) alleviated.. detection
(E) precipitated.. containment
4. Postmodern architecture is not concerned with the easy goal of returning to the past but with the more ---- and difficult aim of ---- historical forms into a new and complex whole.
(A) important.. changing
(B) subtle.. integrating
(C) intellectual.. updating
(D) rewarding .. dramatizing www.ExamW.CoM
(E) ornamental.. compressing
5. In pollen dating, geologic happenings are dated in terms of each other, and one can get just so far by matching ---- sequences; but in radiocarbon dating the scale of time is measured in ---- terms of centuries or years.
(A) random.. selective
(B) irrelevant.. usable
(C) vague.. relative
(D) independent.. absolute
(E) imaginary.. calculable

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