estimable |
(of a person) worthy of esteem; admirable; deserving esteem; possible to estimate |
estranged |
separated; alienated; V. estrange: alienate (people in a family); N. estrangement |
ethereal |
like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly; unusually refined; Ex. She has an ethereal beauty; CF. ether: upper air |
ethnic |
relating to races |
ethnology |
study of humankind; study of the different races of human beings; CF. anthropology |
ethos |
underlying character of a culture, group, etc.; character or ideas peculiar to a specific person, group, or culture; Ex. the company ethos |
etymology |
study of word parts; study of the origins of words |
eugenic |
pertaining to the improvement of race; N. eugenics: study of hereditary improvement of the human race |
eulogistic |
praising; full of eulogy |
eulogy |
expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death; V. eulogize |
euphemism |
mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; ADJ. euphemistic |
euphony |
sweet sound; ADJ. euphonious |
euphoria |
feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric |
euthanasia |
mercy killing |
evanescent |
fleeting; vanishing; soon disappearing; V. evanesce |
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