deplore |
regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior; ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval; Ex. deplorable living condition |
deploy |
spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line; distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically |
deport |
send out of the country; behave; N. deportation, deportment |
depose |
dethrone; remove from office; give a deposition; testify |
deposition |
testimony under oath; deposing; dethroning |
depravity |
extreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave |
deprecate |
express disapproval of; deplore; protest against; belittle; ADJ. deprecatory |
depreciate |
lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little value |
depredation |
plundering; destruction |
deputize |
work or appoint as a deputy; N. deputy: person who has the power to take charge when the leading person is away |
deranged |
insane |
derelict |
negligent; (of someone) neglectful of duty; (of something) deserted by an owner; abandoned; N: abandoned property; homeless or vagrant person |
dereliction |
neglect of duty; abandonment |
deride |
ridicule; treat with contempt; make fun of; OP. respect |
derision |
ridicule; ADJ. derisive; CF. derisory |
derivation |
deriving; origin or source of something; Ex. the derivation of the word |
derivative |
unoriginal; obtained from another source; Ex. derivative prose style; N. |
dermatologist |
one who studies the skin and its diseases |
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