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2013-03-13 10:05




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE真题 】



  1. Issue

  73. Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.

  Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


  105. Claim: Imagination is more valuable asset than experience.

  Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.

  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.


  2. Argument

  58. The vice president for human resources at Climpson Industries sent the following recommendation to the company's president.

  "In an effort to improve our employees' productivity, we should implement electronic monitoring of employees' Internet use from their workstations. Employees who use the Internet inappropriately from their workstations need to be identified and punished if we are to reduce the number of work hours spent on personal or recreational activities, such as shopping or playing games. Installing software on company computers to detect employees' Internet use is the best way to prevent employees from wasting time on the job. It will foster a better work ethic at Climpson and improve our overall profits."

  Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


  38. The following appeared in a memo from the new vice president of Sartorian, a company that manufactures men's clothing.

  "Five years ago, at a time when we had difficulties in obtaining reliable supplies of high quality wool fabric, we discontinued production of our alpaca overcoat. Now that we have a new fabric supplier, we should resume production. This coat should sell very well: since we have not offered an alpaca overcoat for five years and since our major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat, there will be pent-up customer demand. Also, since the price of most types of clothing has increased in each of the past five years, customers should be willing to pay significantly higher prices for alpaca overcoats than they did five years ago, and our company profits will increase."

  Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.



  1) 虽然理论上考试时机考的作文题是随机分配的,但就大陆的单次考试来说,实际上基本上的组合数量大概在2到3组左右。

  2) ARGU部分因为中国考生比较擅长且逻辑漏洞基本可以模板化处理,所以考试准备只用认真准备下top 10的热门高频基本上就够了,剩下的题目自己心里有个提纲就OK。

  3) ISSUE部分因为中国考生不太擅长,所以除了准备下热门高频以外,对于非高频的难题也要认真准备。

  第二部分 Verbal Reasoning

  1. 填空 (Sentence Completion + Sentence Equivalence)


  ① irenic: favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation; 爱好和平的, 机经单词。

  ② age: to cause to become old; 衰老, 动词。

  ③ coruscate: 1. To give forth flashes of light; sparkle and glitter 2. To exhibit sparkling virtuosity; 1. 闪光, 2. 才气焕发。这个单词跟之前考过的机经单词scintillate是近义词。

  ④ circumspect: Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; 小心谨慎的; 这个词其实可以这么记, circum-是前缀表示周围, spec是词根表示看, 那什么叫向周围看呢,比如大家从银行取出一笔巨款, 出来之后一般会先环顾四周看看有没有形似周克华的可疑人物在跟踪自己嘛,那么这个行为不就是表示我们很circumspect么。

  ⑤ fortuitous: occurring by chance; 机经单词,当这个词表偶然时跟accidental算近义词,同属于一道等价题的答案,具体题目已不可考。

  ⑥ intractable: not easily governed, managed, or directed; 难管教的,不服从的; 机经单词。

  ⑦ 当然还有像superfluous, peaceful, tranquil, antithetical, understatement等这些较简单的单词,就不多说了。


  ① Even the man was reserved in his speech, he thoroughly understood his mother, which made him far from --- as people usually thought.

  A. sophisticated

  B. simple

  C. sententious

  D. ingenuous

  E. comprehensive

  本次考试唯一有完全原题的填空题,答案选C,reserved在这里通过far from的提示,跟后面的-----取反,sententious英文解释为tending to indulge in pompous moralizing,pompous意能跟 reserved相反。

  ②. 一个人known for his ballyhooed____, but his impact has far beyond memorable quips.

  1) ballyhoo: Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity; ballyhooed中文翻译可以理解成大吹大擂的,这个词偏口语化,中国考生普遍陌生。

  2) quip: A clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion; 俏皮话。

  选项有fastidiousness, congeniality,此题答案不确定。

  ③. 虽然捕杀蓝鲸很普遍,但是还是有-----出现,比如某地蓝鲸数量恢复。

  答案: propitious(Presenting favorable circumstances, 吉利的)


  ④. 【三空题】办公室里同事间适度的------还是-------的,毕竟能够减轻压力并且促进相互之间的感情,但是过度的-------将会导致本来的sporadic dissatisfaction变成严重的抱怨并影响正常工作

  答案:gripe, beneficial, grousing.

  ⑤. 很多时候进化理论不能解释一些现象,比如说公鸡的花尾巴,往往是------而不是生存所必须的。

  选项hindrance(hinder的名词形式), handicap(handicapped的名词形式) 还有superfluity。个人倾向于superfluity.


  2. 阅读

  ① passenger pigeon,机经题。具体如下:

  北美旅鸽(passenger pigeon)在1600 - 1800 年的时候曾经有很多,现在灭绝了。1900 年时有个旅行家记录了某个地点有大量的北美旅鸽,那个区域的人好像什么都吃,但是只找到很少passenger pigeon 的骨头。有人说是因为旅鸽的骨头不能被保存下来,可是有人反驳说这不可能,有很多其他鸟类的骨头,别的研究都发现只要是人吃的都能找到剩下的骨头-甚至鱼类的小骨头(include tiny bones from fish)都能保存下来,但是骨头消失了还是找不到。因此考古学家们认为北美旅鸽曾经有一段时间数量很少,是后来激增的(claim that the number of passenger pigeon must be limited and then expand)。

  1) 题目:以下什么evidence 最可能undermine 最后这个结论:

  A. 十九世纪的那个旅行家记录的地点不能反映二十世纪的情况

  B. 旅行家的记录是在旅鸽数目大量减少之前

  C. 肯定错

  D. 肯定错

  E. 旅鸽不会在同一个地点待很多generation


  2) 题目:作者说 tiny bones的目的是什么。

  点评:此题为高频阅读题,在去年的8,9,10三月都曾考到。可以Wikipedia搜一下passenger pigeon作为背景的扩充。

  ② RED MAPLE,机经题

  提出旧理论,提出解释1 反驳旧理论:美国东部的red maple 越来越多了,一种观点认为这个和全球二氧化碳的增多,全球变暖,然后红枫树对这个很敏感,北美的红枫的光合作用加强了,数量增多了(Some scientists think the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide help with photosynthesis of Maple Tree.)。However, this didn't cause the number of other trees in the same area to increase。说oak也对这个敏感,但却没有这种情况(But, the photosynthesis ability of Maple tree may not necessarily be better than oak trees.),所以这种解释不成立。

  提出解释2 反驳旧理论:another explanations contains 很多方面。

  (1) The increase of red maple trees might be due to the suppressed fire rate in the recent years,因为红枫比起其他树木,对fire更敏感,要使红枫在火烧后能迅速恢复,火的控制对red maple 数量多当然贡献大。

  (2) its unique capability to grow in both young and old forests, etc.

  (3) The deer eat the foliage of oak trees in the summer and eat something from the maple tree in the winter (this is bad). However it is less harmful in the winter than in the summer for the trees.(deer要吃oak的seeds,特别在夏天,这时是oak发展最快的顶点,但是不吃红枫的seeds,只在冬天吃红枫的twig。red maple 叶子分泌一个物质,deer不喜欢吃,所以red maple 数量大,还有red maple 产种子多。)

  1) 题目:文中提到“没有使同一地区的其他树木增加"这句话的作用是什么


  2) 题目:与红枫树共同生长的树木不能怎么样,

  答案:They cannot lavish in both young and mature forests.(原文:red maples have the unique 怎么怎么lavish in both young and mature forest.)

  3) 题目:哪个是红枫树的特点

  答案:只有它能在young 和 mature age 都生长

  4) 题目:关于它的表述哪个是错误的


  5) 题目:What is the purpose of mentioning other reasons other than carbon dioxide increase?

  答案:To downplay the importance of carbon dioxide in the increase in red maple trees.


  ③ Chicago painting 的演变,以及它的political significance。

  第一段:San Francisco 那边新兴起一种涂鸦文化(mural painting),这种文化和以前的有很大不同。由大家参与,不像以前是有政府资助的,60 年代这个是和community紧密联合在一起。

  第二段:讲了一下这个SF mural painting 源自于ART MOVEMENT,这种文化背后的艺术家实际是为了一个什么种族之类的争取更多平等的权利,又说这些艺术家怎么建立起一个相关组织(是因为 CIVIL RIGHT MOVEMENT引起的艺术运动)。

  题目:这些art center 有什么用


  ④ 一篇长文章提到了Jane Austin,不了解此人的可以Wikipedia一下作为背景扩展。

  3. 逻辑

  ① 考古满意度问题





  ② 葡萄酒




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