1. 定位到第11行:
“that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as ―common currency throughout the nervous system.” 每一句话都透露着一种关于nerve impulse的一致、同一的感觉。
2. 定位到文章第二十行:可以直接得出答案
“it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex”
3. 结合上一句的每种locus对应不同的sensation;每个之间不具备分析的价值。
“However, cortical locus, in itself, turned out to have little explanatory value.”
4. 问的是Except,
A. 文中提到加州中国人目的是为了证明对他们的偏见并不是由种族歧视引起的,排除;
B. 马克思社会科学家一直在被引述观点,没有evidence,排除;
C. 这个可以有,他一直在声称种族歧视就是资本主义的产物。
5. 其实最重要的是要理清楚这篇文章的逻辑:
然而事实上,在“所有地区”中,对加州华人(由工人引起的)和犹太人(在资本主义产生之前)的歧视不是由资本主义引起的,所以“马社”要是想继续defense他的观点,即种族歧视都是资本主义造成的“的逆否命题:不是资本主义造成的人种斗争就一定不是种族歧视, 所以按照这种逻辑思路,他is required to或者has to reason一下上述两种情况并非基于种族歧视(即题干所问)。文章最后一句话说道,因此他dispose of(摒弃了,排除了)在面对上述两种特殊的情形,也就是并忽略掉了这两个特例不是由资本主义引起的(然而事实上作者认为“马社”这种避重就轻是不可信的)。
6. 文章最后一句的中心意思:“Unfortunately, in most cases a distant observer cannot see the singularity”
A. measurable,新信息,原文没有提到immeasurable或者相关概念;
B. 与原文意思最接近;
C. allow… 与原文意思相反
D. 新信息,原文作者其实完全可以这样写,但是做题角度讲,这么说是没有逻辑的;
E. 新信息,structure
7. 定位到46行:
“closer to human consciousness than”,和人类进行比较,后面就是lizard那个例子,是一种高级比较低级的感觉。
8. 该道题目不容易定位,第27行:
“One meaning of intelligence is the way in which these images and other alertly searched information are used in the context of previous experience.”
A. 符合文章句子意思(智商高的动物,能够保留历史记忆),即弱智的小动物的历史对于他们的生存是没有什么帮助的;
B. 说反了,文章说智商高动物才会highly focus attention,弱智的小动物只会相反;
C. 新内容,肌肉功能协调性;
D. 新内容,种间竞争;
E. 新内容,捕食者和被捕食者的比率。
9. 长阅读遇到全文定位的多选题,如果觉得定位很吃力,个人感觉可以直接mask---next:
A. 可以在第37行找到答案:
“Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression.”
B. 定位到24行:
“Arousal is at first general, with a flooding of impulses in the brain stem; then gradually the activation is channeled. Thus begins concentration, the holding of consistent images”;
C. 文章没有提到关于刺激消失的介绍。
10. 又是烦人的EXCEPT题:
A. 同样是37行:
“Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands”;
B. 同上;
C. 14行:
“It ranges from a passive, free-floating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation.”
D. 10-25行基本都在讲这个内容,如果非要明确定位,个人觉得比较牵强的一句话:
“The processes of arousal and concentration give attention its direction”
A. 定位第八行“all involved some kind of prohibition against union s with close kin”
B. 定位第七行“though they differed from one tribal group to another”(特别喜欢讲选项设在文章的让步中)
12. 定位到第二行,很简单的一个推理题:
“Gutman discovers that cousins rarely married, an exogamous tendency that contrasted sharply with the endogamy practiced by the plantation owners”
对“cousins rarely married”取反,就是plantation owners的行为。
13. 题目中几个关键字“additional”,“support the awareness”,总而可以找到13行:
“The fact that distantly related kin would care for children separated from their families also suggests this awareness”